Watch Amico mio (1993) Online!
Amico mio is a 1993 Italian-German television series set in a children's hospital and stars Massimo Dapporto. The series, which focuses on the stories of Dr. Magri and his colleagues in the department of pediatrics of San Carlo di Nancy hospital in Rome, aired for two seasons on Rai 2 and then Canale 5, as well as on ZDF in Germany.
Angelas Mutter
Dott. Paolo Magri
Dr.Angela Mancinelli
Vater von Helen
Giuseppe 'Beppe' Vanni
Mutter von Helen
Mutter von Marco und Leo
Dr. Angela Mancinelli
Sister Platania
Micheles Mutter
Micheles Vater
Ercoles Mutter
Mimmo Sabatini
Dott. Bruno Montebovi
Angelas Großmutter
Susanna Calabrò
Direttore dell'ospedale