Watch Hungry Beast (2009) Online!
A program that challenges audiences with a mix of the unexpected and the unconventional. Each episode is themed around specific issues facing the world today.
Episode 1 - Secrets
Release Date: 2011-03-23In the first episode of Series 3 of Hungry Beast we've gone all themed. Tonight it's SECRETS.
Episode 2 - Captivity
Release Date: 2011-03-30Episode 22 of Hungry Beast is themed around Captivity: from the woman trapped in her own body, who can only communicate by blinking; to liberating copyright from its confines; to the man holding his entire nation captive.
Episode 3 - Faking It
Release Date: 2011-04-06Episode 23 of Hungry Beast is Faking It: from counterfeit medicines to bogus qualifications to ethnic cosmetic surgery and places that aren't quite what they seem.
Episode 4 - Waste
Release Date: 2011-04-13Episode 24 of Hungry Beast looks at Waste: the alleged waste of Federal Government cash; the dirtiest of dirty jobs; Faeconomics; the life cycle of a plastic bottle; the food we don't eat; and rubbish thrown out by the stars.
Episode 5 - Download
Release Date: 2011-04-20Episode 25 of Hungry Beast is on Download: its likely demise at the hands of streaming; i-Dosing, the legal audio high?; online matchmaking; human downloading; internet anonymity; and Aussie kids' take on living a digital life.
Episode 6 - Perfection
Release Date: 2011-04-27Episode 26 of Hungry Beast is Perfection: the perfect soldier, animal and measurement. Plus the imperfect veggie, the animated characters that are just too lifelike and what happens when getting it perfect takes over your life?
Episode 7 - Wealth
Release Date: 2011-05-04Episode 27 of Hungry Beast is on Wealth: the future of money; Australia's richest person; Hip Hop Finance from Ross Greenwood and the Death of a Very Rich Man.
Episode 8 - Power
Release Date: 2011-05-11Episode 28 of Hungry Beast is on Power: of Climate Science, retail spaces, and the Force - plus much more.
Episode 9 - Upload
Release Date: 2011-05-18Episode 29 of Hungry Beast is themed around Upload: the net's neutrality, its carbon footprint, online Jihad and what you have prayed for.
Episode 10 - Play
Release Date: 2011-05-25Episode 30 of Hungry Beast is on Play: the dictators we hang around with; news as games; the hackers helping humankind; and real world board games.
Episode 11 - Speed
Release Date: 2011-05-31Episode 31 of Hungry Beast is on Speed: the exponential growth of computer intelligence; Australia's fastest sprint cyclist; Fast Fashion; and the island under threat from fast rising sea levels.
Episode 12 - Death
Release Date: 2011-06-08Episode 32 is the last of Series 3 of Hungry Beast. We go out on the theme of Death: killing the internet; the human cost of commodities trading; Stuxnet, the first computer virus designed to be a weapon; PTSD in the police; and what happens when humans take their final bow.