Watch The Donna Reed Show (1958) Online!
Revolves around typical family problems, such as firing a clumsy housekeeper, throwing a retirement bash for a colleague, and finding quality time away from the children.
Episode 1 - Weekend Trip
Release Date: 1958-09-24In the premiere episode, Donna hopes to get away to a ski weekend with her brood, but pediatrician husband Alex's on-call schedule makes this tricky, especially since one of his young patients, Eddie Barclay (played by one of the Corcoran siblings of Disney film and TV fame; sister Noreen was on "Bachelor Father" with John Forsythe), has a mysterious illness and Alex doesn't want to leave him in the care of another doctor.
Episode 2 - Pardon My Gloves
Release Date: 1958-10-01Jeff gets a black eye from a boy who mocks Donna's acting in a local play. So, Donna tries to teach Jeff how to box.
Episode 3 - The Hike
Release Date: 1958-10-08Donna tries to prove women can outsmart men when Dr. Stone is called away to treat a patient.
Episode 4 - Male Ego
Release Date: 1958-10-15Alex tries to prove his independence when Donna buys a suit for him.
Episode 5 - The Football Uniform
Release Date: 1958-10-22Jeff wants a uniform for the team picture, but is told he must work for the money to buy it.
Episode 6 - The Foundling
Release Date: 1958-10-29A baby is abandoned at the Stone’s place.
Episode 7 - Three Part Mother
Release Date: 1958-11-05Donna spreads herself thin, running between three places on the same night, for her family.
Episode 8 - Change Partners and Dance
Release Date: 1958-11-12Mary has a crush on the school basketball star, George, who wants to take her to the prom, but hasn’t asked her because he can't dance.
Episode 9 - Dough Re-Mi
Release Date: 1958-11-19Donna tries to get a famous concert pianist to perform at a benefit, and, at the same time, Jeff is trying to raise money for a football tackling dummy. These two seemingly unrelated projects intertwine.
Episode 10 - Guest in the House
Release Date: 1958-11-26A problem child takes refuge at the Stone’s house, and Donna tries to get through to him.
Episode 11 - The Baby Contest
Release Date: 1958-12-03Alex is judge at a Beautiful Baby contest run by Donna's club.
Episode 12 - The Beaded Bag
Release Date: 1958-12-10When Donna longingly admires a lovely, expensive bag at a store, the saleswoman (along with a female friend of hers) schemes to coax Alex into getting it for her for a birthday gift. But Alex is suspicious that Donna is pulling the strings behind the scenes, instead of being forthright about it.
Episode 13 - The Busy Body
Release Date: 1958-12-17Charismatic Uncle Fred visits the Stone family and a brouhaha ensues.
Episode 14 - A Very Merry Christmas
Release Date: 1958-12-24Donna searches for the mysterious person who puts on a Christmas party in the children’s ward at the hospital every year. The quintessential comedian Buster Keaton guest stars.
Episode 15 - Mary's Double Date
Release Date: 1958-12-31Mary's Junior prom is imminent, and she has trouble deciding between two boys on the football team who might ask her. She also dangles another nice boy on a string. But, eventually, the resultant consequences of her selfish decisions come to fruition.
Episode 16 - Jeff's Double Life
Release Date: 1959-01-07After nosy neighbor Mrs. Wilgus (the inimitable Kathleen Freeman) alerts Donna and Alex about Mary having a noisy party while they were out, the kids get lectured about being the children of a doctor, and that they should behave accordingly. Not too long after this, Jeff takes a ride from Mary's troublemaker friend Tommy Hendricks, who doesn't have a license and has taken his father's car out for a joyride, and they get into a minor accident while fleeing a cop.
Episode 17 - Nothing But the Truth
Release Date: 1959-01-14David Barker finagles a return to the Stone’s home for his birthday celebration.
Episode 18 - It's the Principle of the Thing
Release Date: 1959-01-21Mr. Popkin won't let Alex treat Joey because he has no money. So, Donna hires him to do repairs around the house, but Alex fires him. Then Donna tries another method to help him get the finances he needs.
Episode 19 - Jeff vs. Mary
Release Date: 1959-01-28Jeff becomes jealous and insecure about his parent’s love—feeling that they care about Mary more than him.
Episode 20 - Have Fun
Release Date: 1959-02-04When Mary comes home utterly dejected from a terrible first date, Donna and Alex each, in “Rashomon”-style, tell her about their first date.
Episode 21 - Donna Plays Cupid
Release Date: 1959-02-11Donna decides that Alex’s obstetrician friend, Beau, is a lonely bachelor in need of a mate, so she tries to pair him and her good friend Celia (who has recently broken up with her boyfriend) up.
Episode 22 - Love Thy Neighbor
Release Date: 1959-02-18Donna and Alex help celebrate the 20th anniversary of Wilbur & Celia Wilgus, only for Donna to get caught up in a misunderstanding later.
Episode 23 - The Report Card
Release Date: 1959-02-25Donna is worried when Jeff comes home with a report card full of Cs.
Episode 24 - Boys Will Be Boys
Release Date: 1959-03-04David Barker is brought to Alex to be treated for rabies, and is invited to stay the night. Later, Jeff is left in charge of David, as everyone else will be gone.
Episode 25 - The Ideal Wife
Release Date: 1959-03-11Donna keeps getting praised for being an excellent wife and mother—so much so, that she, illogically, becomes a bit paranoid that people really mean something negative about her beneath the surface of their words, and fears her kids are taking advantage of her.
Episode 26 - Mary's Campaign
Release Date: 1959-03-18Mary drives her family crazy, and worries her mother, in her quest to win the class vice-presidency.
Episode 27 - The Flowered-Print Dress
Release Date: 1959-03-25Donna and Alex dine at a young couple’s home. The couple are still in the honeymoon phase of their marriage, and the experience gives Donna pangs of nostalgia.
Episode 28 - April Fool
Release Date: 1959-04-01When Buzz Barry, teenage idol (played by James Darren), comes to Hilldale to sing at a concert, he falls ill with the measles and the concert is canceled, leaving Mary and her friends devastated. Then he ends up staying at the Stone’s home to recuperate, causing unexpected complications.
Episode 29 - The Parting of the Ways
Release Date: 1959-04-08Mary’s friend Babs confides in her that her parents are having troubles and may be divorcing soon. And, though she’s exaggerating, Donna is unaware of this and problems ensue in their family as a result.
Episode 30 - The Hero
Release Date: 1959-04-15Alex's roommate, Biff Jameson, comes to Hilldale, and though he charms the family and dazzles Jeff, Alex confesses to Donna that his old pal seems to be off from what he used to be.
Episode 31 - Do You Trust Your Child?
Release Date: 1959-04-22Donna gives a speech, at a PTA meeting, on parent/child relationships urging parents to trust their child. Her advice, of course, ends up being tested.
Episode 32 - Grateful Patient
Release Date: 1959-04-29Alex takes advantage of a tip on the market, and Donna and the kids start making plans for the expected profit.
Episode 33 - The Testimonial
Release Date: 1959-05-06Donna plans a testimonial dinner to honor Dr. Jason, a long-time denizen of the town and a beloved doctor, who finally intends to retire.
Episode 34 - Miss Lovelace Comes to Tea
Release Date: 1959-05-13The family searches for a compatible housekeeper to help around the house while Donna manages a charity campaign.
Episode 35 - Tomorrow Comes Too Soon
Release Date: 1959-05-20After a particularly long week, Donna and Alex long for a weekend alone without kids. But when they get it, it’s not quite how they imagined it would be.
Episode 36 - Advice To Young Lovers
Release Date: 1959-05-27When Mary and George get in a fight over him and her best friend Babs, Donna advises her on how to handle the situation.
Episode 37 - Operation Deadbeat
Release Date: 1959-06-03Alex insists Jeff pay back money he owes to develop good character for when he is an adult. Meanwhile, Donna decides to try to get the past due money owed to Alex by his patients.