Watch Secrets of the Third Reich (2014) Online!
Little-known events that played a large role in determining the outcome of World War II are revealed in this documentary series.
- Oliver Halmburger
- Thomas Staehler
- Alexander Berkel
Episode 1 - Patient Hitler
Release Date: 2014-02-01A key figure in Hitler's personal life was the physician Dr. Theodor Morell. From 1936 until Hitler's suicide, Morell is always present, and willing to hand out some dubious medications from his personal stash, ensuring Hitlers dependancy.
Episode 2 - The Ghost of U513
Release Date: 2014-02-02German U Boat 513, takes 46 of its crew to their deaths and leaves 7 survivors. The final resting place of U 513 and exactly happened to it has remained a mystery, until Vilfredo Schürmann found the submarine off the Brazilian coast.
Episode 3 - Nazi Gold
Release Date: 2014-02-03In April 1945, 2 armed trains leave Berlin, carrying all of the remaining Reichsbank assets. It amounts to billions of Reichsmarks. Following is a convoy of trucks carrying more than 9 tons of gold destined for the 'Alpine Fortress'.
Episode 4 - The Hess Enigma
Release Date: 2014-02-04On the 17th of August 1987, news of the suicide of Rudolf Hess, spreads across the world. Allegedly the 93 year old hanged himself in the Spandau prison for Nazi War-Criminals, near Berlin, but his death is as strange as his life had been.