Episode 1 - Does school need to be revolutionized?
Release Date: 2020-09-15What do you think? Does today's school really prepare us for life afterward? Is our school system still up to date? Or is it time to turn everything upside down? New subjects, new teachers, new grades?
Episode 2 - Politically correct language - does it have to be?
Release Date: 2020-09-22What do you think: Can we speak in a way that makes everyone feel comfortable and no one feels offended? Do we have to fundamentally rethink language or does the debate miss the real problem? Can non-discriminatory and gender-specific language make our society fairer?
Episode 3 - Once poor, always poor? Social injustice in Germany
Release Date: 2020-10-06Do you care about people who have less than you? Or is that not necessary at all because Germany is a good welfare state that provides care and nobody really has to worry about their existence? Does everyone, like the rapper Massiv, make it to the top, regardless of their social background?
Episode 4 - Killing animals: Can we still eat meat?
Release Date: 2020-10-13Factory farming, cheap meat, climate and health killers - the reputation of meat can hardly be saved. Nevertheless, it always ends up on our plates! We ask ourselves: Are we even allowed to eat meat anymore or do we all have to become vegetarians or vegans now?
Episode 5 - Filters, fakes and naked skin - Is Instagram making us unhappy?
Release Date: 2020-11-03Instagram Fake vs. Reality - there is always the accusation that Instagram and especially influencers convey false ideals of beauty and thus sustainably damage the self-esteem of many users.
Episode 6 - Abolish prisons - How do we punish criminals?
Release Date: 2020-11-17Most people agree that if someone has committed a serious crime, they should go to prison. But is rehabilitation in prison even possible? Or should we abolish prisons and invent new punishments?
Episode 7 - Does the legalization of intoxicants lead to the glorification of drugs?
Release Date: 2020-11-24Does smoking weed make you creative or addictive? It is particularly celebrated in rap: the love for weed. Our guests Herzog and GReeN also often admit to their consumption of cannabis in their lyrics and share this with their fans in songs like “Coffee Shop Mafia” (Herzog) or “Stoned durch den Wald” (GReeN).
Episode 8 - Women's quota by law: Do men have to give up power?
Release Date: 2020-12-08The boardrooms in Germany are still really male domains. But now more women should finally come to power! After decades of self-commitment, our guest Louisa Dellert, among others, called for a binding women's quota with the online campaign #ICHWILL and now it is actually here.
Episode 9 - Does Christmas divide us? Or does it bring us closer together?
Release Date: 2020-12-15Christmas is coming soon! But wouldn't it be appropriate in a modern & diverse society that all festivals - whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian - are equally important? What about the many other citizens who don't celebrate Christmas at all for religious reasons?
Episode 10 - Fight against Corona - Vaccination yes or no?
Release Date: 2020-12-29The corona vaccine is here. And with that an end to the pandemic is in sight. As long as enough people get vaccinated. But some are skeptical and also don't want the state to tell them how they have to protect their health and that of everyone else.
Episode 11 - Episode 11
Release Date: 2021-01-14 -
Episode 12 - Episode 12
Release Date: 2021-01-19 -
Episode 13 - Episode 13
Release Date: 2021-01-19 -
Episode 25 - Episode 25
Release Date: 2020-12-31 -
Episode 26 - Episode 26
Release Date: 2021-01-14 -
Episode 27 - Episode 27
Release Date: 2021-01-19