Watch Crimes Gone Viral (2020) Online!
Gripping clips of kidnappings, break-ins, car chases, violent road rage incidents and other crimes rack up millions of views. But crimes gone viral goes beyond the jaw-dropping footage to tell the full story. Viral video of good samaritans who intervene to stop crimes, brave victims who fight back against their attackers, clever prison escapes and a shark heist.
Episode 1 - Reckless at the Wheel
Release Date: 2022-05-26Like a scene from a movie, police chase a thief in a stolen RV through streets and residential areas. Later, another dangerous high-speed chase has a shocking twist when police realize the driver has her baby in the back seat.
Episode 2 - Oh No, You Don't!
Release Date: 2022-05-26A family fights to defend each other, and their store, when they are held up. Then, police scramble to contain a pair of bold young car thieves who seem to think they are invincible.
Episode 3 - Horror In The Street
Release Date: 2022-06-02A woman enjoying a holiday celebration is the victim of a shocking hit-and-run caught on camera; when a man steals a grandmother's purse right off a restaurant table, she jumps into action, chasing him into the parking lot.
Episode 4 - Brazen Bandits
Release Date: 2022-06-09Thieves forget that most businesses keep security cameras rolling. In Texas, a band of robbers is dubbed "the inchworm bandits" when cameras catch them crawling across floors. In New York, a dognapper looks straight into the lens.
Episode 5 - I'll Stop Him
Release Date: 2022-06-16A man risks his own life to record a crime in progress and follow the criminals until police arrive; a woman turns her own boyfriend into police when she realizes an innocent man has been charged with a crime he didn't commit.
Episode 6 - Terrified For Their Lives
Release Date: 2022-06-23Cameras catch two terrifying invasions. A violent robbery puts a store clerk's life in danger and police on edge. And then, a young woman is stalked in her own home by a creepy intruder, and there's a frightening confrontation.
Episode 7 - Fiery Attacks
Release Date: 2022-06-30It's a terrifying scene at a gas station when a man with a lighter douses everything with gasoline, threatening to ignite a potentially deadly inferno. And then, an employee bravely fights back when armed robbers hold him up.
Episode 8 - Where is He Hiding?
Release Date: 2022-06-30A traffic stop threatens to become deadly for a police officer when a mom goes to extreme lengths to protect her son. Later, a couple's quiet night at home turns into terror.
Episode 9 - Explosive Break-Ins
Release Date: 2022-07-07Bold thieves invade a couple's home three times in one week. The frightened couple don't know who is targeting them or if the thieves will return. Later, it's a recipe for disaster when a man lights up what appears to be a bomb at a gas station.
Episode 10 - Surprise Attacks
Release Date: 2022-07-07It is road rage out of control when a man gets so angry at a couple who accidentally cut him off that he follows and threatens them. Next, a friendly encounter at a gas station takes a terrifying turn.