Watch Hardcore TV (1992) Online!
A short-lived sketch comedy series in the vein of SCTV and Saturday Night Live aired on HBO intermittently between 1992-1994. Written by Tim Blake Nelson, hosted by Dave Konig, and featuring Susie Essman, . SCTV and Saturday Night Live fans were disappointed with the short run. However If you get up off your butt and rotate your antenna... If your cable is screwed up... And if the air is full of electricity... Then somewhere, between channels 36 and 37, you'll come upon a TV universe turned inside out. The tour's leaving now, so grease yourself up, strap yourself in, hide all pets, take small bites, use a number 2 pencil, ignore the squishy sounds, breathe through your mouth, and have your tickets ready... You've entered the world of HARDCORE TV! Featuring “Fairytales From the Darkside,””Rastapiece Theater,””Cindy’s Sex Talk” and “Fly-Fishing Jam,” and other stabs at infomercials and TV ads.
- Joe Furey
- Tim Blake Nelson
- Steve Kerper
Episode 1 - Episode 1
Release Date: 1992-10-03Waynze World Tampon Day at Yankee Stadium This Old Whore House FairyTales from the Darkside - "Daddy Boo Bear" Bensonhurst 11210 : Racism,Enviroment Miracle Stick "Its a Belt" Sports Lady with Rose Biederman - Leonard Marshall RastaPiece Theater - Andy Griffith 31XIII Autographed Handgun day at Dodger Stadium Fly Fishin' Jam - Vermont Miracle Stick Day at Wrigley Field Cindy's Sex Talk - Siamese Twins Hebrew National Enquirer
Episode 2 - Episode 2
Release Date: 1992-10-10Danny Bonaduchi Spamby Raging Bullwinkle Sports Lady w/Ray "Boom Boom" Mancini Un-wed Mother Darbie RastaPiece Theater "Partridge Family" FairyTales from the Darkside "Horton Hears a Ho" Joy of Tattooing- "Happy little eagle on a happy little Butt" Cindy's Sex Talk - "Larry and the Blow-up dolls" Hooked on Profanity Fly Fishin' Jam - from Canada
Episode 3 - Episode 3
Release Date: 1992-10-17Shorts Illustrated - Vibrator Phone This Old House Party - Kid'n'play Pubic Hair Club for Men Sports lady w/Jeff Lageman FairyTales from the Darkside - The Wobblies Porno Bloopers RastaPiece Theater "I Dream of Jeannie" Totally Hidden Psychiatrist Cindy's Sex Talk - No Guests ,Answers calls Time Life Books - Meaningless events & Insignificant Occurrences Fly Fishin' Jam - from The East River,NY