Watch Barely Recognizable (2022) Online!

A movie musical about eating disorder recovery and overcoming perceptions of perfection. It follows the first couple of weeks of college for Gracie, a young woman who has (mostly) recovered from an ea...ting disorder. As she attempts to forge a new identity on campus, her new surroundings and the challenges associated with her transition to college life cause the recovery to teeter. With the help of Isa, a drop-dead gorgeous sophomore beauty queen, Gracie ultimately discovers that recovery is not linear, but rather, takes several twists and turns along the way. more

  • Lucy Wilkins

  • Lucy Wilkins

Release Date: 2022-08-14
themoviedb icon 1 2 3 4 5 10.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 40
  • Budget: $5,000
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