Watch Ingeborg Bachmann – Journey into the Desert (2023) Online!

When Ingeborg Bachmann and Max Frisch meet for the first time in Paris in the summer of 1958, they are already international celebrities of the literary world. In the four years that follow, they dabble in great love and an open relationship between his hometown of Zurich and her adopted Rome.

  • Margarethe von Trotta

  • Margarethe von Trotta

Release Date: 2023-06-09
themoviedb icon 6.9/10
  • Country: DE, AT, LU, CH
  • Language: Deutsch | English | Italiano | Français
  • Runtime: 110
Nickel Bösenberg
Nickel Bösenb...
Martin Vischer
Martin Vische...
Peter Hamm
Vicky Krieps
Vicky Krieps
Ingeborg Bachmann
Ronald Zehrfeld
Ronald Zehrfe...
Max Frisch
Tobias Resch
Tobias Resch
Adolf Opel
Basil Eidenbenz
Basil Eidenbe...
Hans Werner Henze
Luna Wedler
Luna Wedler
Marianne Oellers
Marc Limpach
Marc Limpach
Tankred Dorst
Ricardo Angelini
Ricardo Angel...
Ober Café Greco Rom
Thomas Douglas
Thomas Dougla...
Nina Vorbrodt
Nina Vorbrodt
Renato Carpentieri
Renato Carpen...
Guiseppe Ungaretti
Bernd Hölscher
Bernd Hölsche...
Veranstalter Hörspielpreis Bonn
Stefano Bernardin
Stefano Berna...
Verkäufer Herrenbekleidung
Felix Moeller
Felix Moeller
Zuhörer Leseabend
Peter Hottinger
Peter Hotting...
Kellner Zürich Cafe
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