Watch Firefox (1982) Online!

The Soviets have developed a revolutionary new jet fighter, called 'Firefox'. Worried that the jet will be used as a first-strike weapon—as there are rumours that it is undetectable by radar—the send ex-Vietnam War pilot, Mitchell Gant on a covert mission into the Soviet Union to steal the Firefox. more

  • Clint Eastwood

  • Craig Thomas
  • Alex Lasker
  • Wendell Wellman

Release Date: 1982-06-18
themoviedb icon 1 2 3 4 5 6.0/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: Pусский | English
  • Runtime: 136
  • Budget: $18,000,000
  • Revenue: $70,700,000
Ronald Lacey
Ronald Lacey
Stefan Schnabel
Stefan Schnab...
First Secretary
David Huffman
David Huffman
Captain Buckholz
Klaus Löwitsch
Klaus Löwitsc...
General Vladimirov
Thomas Hill
Thomas Hill
General Brown
Freddie Jones
Freddie Jones
Kenneth Aubrey
Kai Wulff
Kai Wulff
Lt. Colonel Voskov
Michael Currie
Michael Curri...
Captain Seerbacker
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwoo...
Mitchell Gant
Warren Clarke
Warren Clarke
Pavel Upenskoy
Kenneth Colley
Kenneth Colle...
Colonel Kontarsky
Nigel Hawthorne
Nigel Hawthor...
Pyotr Baranovich
Clive Merrison
Clive Merriso...
Major Lanyev
Dimitra Arliss
Dimitra Arlis...
Austin Willis
Austin Willis
James Staley
James Staley
Lt. Commander Fleischer
Ward Costello
Ward Costello
General Rogers
Alan Tilvern
Alan Tilvern
Air Marshal Kutuzov
Oliver Cotton
Oliver Cotton
Dmitri Priabin
Bernard Behrens
Bernard Behre...
William Saltonstall
Richard Derr
Richard Derr
Admiral Curtin
Hugh Fraser
Hugh Fraser
Police Inspector Tortyev
David Gant
David Gant
KGB Official
John Grillo
John Grillo
Customs Officer
Czeslaw Grocholski
Czeslaw Groch...
Old Man
Vincent J. Isaac
Vincent J. Is...
Sub Radio Operator
Alexei Jawdokimov
Alexei Jawdok...
Code Operator
Wolf Kahler
Wolf Kahler
KGB Chairman Andropov
Eugene Lipinski
Eugene Lipins...
KGB Agent
Curt Lowens
Curt Lowens
Dr. Schuller
Lev Mailer
Lev Mailer
Guard at Shower
Fritz Manes
Fritz Manes
David Meyers
David Meyers
George Orrison
George Orriso...
Leon Sprague
Tony Papenfuss
Tony Papenfus...
GRU Officer
Olivier Pierre
Olivier Pierr...
Grisha Plotkin
Grisha Plotki...
GRU Officer
George Pravda
George Pravda
General Borov
John Ratzenberger
John Ratzenbe...
Chief Peck
Alex Rodine
Alex Rodine
Captain of the Riga
Warwick Sims
Warwick Sims
Malcolm Storry
Malcolm Storr...
KGB Agent
Alexander Zale
Alexander Zal...
Riga Fire Control Chief
Rudolf Waldemar Brem
Rudolf Waldem...
KGB Agent (uncredited)
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