
Tonight the Top 3 will each perform two songs live for the nation, vying for the American Idol title. The contestants will give it their all in hopes of winning America's vote and surviving one last week. Who will play it safe and who will take the big risk? Their fate rests in your hands. Tonight the contestants sing a song of their choice and a song the judges picked for them. Performing tonight are Justin Guarini, Kelly Clarkson, and Nikki McKibbin.

  • Simon Fuller

Release Date: 2002-06-11
Seasons: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Metacritic: 5.4/10
TMDb: 5.1/10
  • Country: US
  • Language: English
  • Runtime: 85

Other episodes for this season

Episode 1 - Auditions
Hollywood Week
Episode 2 - Hollywood Week
No Way Jim Moves On After That Performance. Right, Simon? Simon?
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Dewey Defeats Truman!
Episode 4 - Dewey Defeats Truman!
Army Of The Mediocre
Episode 5 - Army Of The Mediocre
Six Pack
Episode 6 - Six Pack
The Bad, The Even Worse and The Ugly
Episode 7 - The Bad, The Even Worse a...
Judge Fight!
Episode 8 - Judge Fight!
Episode 9 - Wild!
The Live Album!
Episode 10 - The Live Album!
Top 10 Results
Episode 11 - Top 10 Results
Pride Goeth Before The ‘Fro
Episode 12 - Pride Goeth Before The ‘F...
Clash of the Titanic Egos
Episode 13 - Clash of the Titanic Egos
The Big Time!
Episode 14 - The Big Time!
Episode 15 - Ryan-ara!
Jump, Jive and Fail!
Episode 16 - Jump, Jive and Fail!
Episode 17 - Noooooooooooooooooooooooo...
Five Alive (And An Assortment Of Other Bad Puns)
Episode 18 - Five Alive (And An Assort...
RJ is Short for
Episode 19 - RJ is Short for "Really G...
Two for Each One
Episode 20 - Two for Each One
What? Who? You're Sure now?
Episode 21 - What? Who? You're Sure no...
Three Do Two
Episode 22 - Three Do Two
Two More
Episode 23 - Two More
Episode 24 - Showdown!
Episode 25 - EL FINALE!