Gajumaru is a duo of comedians and "butt-artists" based in Tokyo, part of the prestigious Office Kitano agency. In this episode, they will introduce Shimokitazawa, an area various subcultures cross paths and where aspiring artists come to perform and attempt to achieve their dreams of fame. First, Gajumaru will take us to Pearl Lady, a shop specialized in crepes and bubble tea, to taste their tapioca-flavored delicacies, before heading to the Makino fabric shop, home of hundreds of different fabric designs for all amateurs of cloth-crafting. This is where the two comedians buy the fabric that makes their red fundoshi, the attire in which they perform. In the last part, we will head over to the Shimokita Studio Thrash, a small theater and playhouse where Gajumaru performs for free on Fridays and during the weekends. There, Gajumaru will tell us more about their activities as "butt-artists". Thrash's stage welcomes various artists, where they get the occasion to perform and refine their art, to some day catch their big break into the industry.