Bajo and Hex are back with reviews of Dead or Alive 5, Diaspora: Shattered Armistice and Rocksmith... Dead or Alive 5 Ahh Dead or Alive, there are so many memorable characters. There's that ninja guy, and the wrestling guy... and don't forget girls with the big boobs, because they account for more than half the roster. Postcards from... The Ishimura Dead Space chooses mining station the USG Ishimura as its horror playground... Diaspora: Shattered Armistice is a community-built mod made by BSG fans, and it's the first Battlestar games we've come across that has felt truly, frakking authentic... Rocksmith There was a day when five-button plastic guitars were an impressive foray into the rhythm game genre. But now, Rocksmith has upped the ante by letting you play on a REAL guitar.

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