
Hitoha becomes fascinated by a sentai show called Gachi Rangers, though has trouble discussing it with others, leading to a confusing conversation between her and Yabe, who is also a fan of the show, when a wind picks up. A trio of Shinya's fangirls mistake a picture of Soujirou from the sixth grade that Futaba had been carrying with her as a picture of Shinya. One of the fangirls, Airi Ogata, competes with Futaba for the photo, but soon regrets it when her feelings end up with her sharing a bath with her and Soujirou. When Futaba tries showing her panties to Shinya (via life threatening kicks, no less) following intervention from Yuudai, rumor starts to spread around that Shinya would date girls who show them their panties, and they end up chasing him around school. Later, Futaba also becomes a fan of Gachi Rangers, which convinces Hitoha that she should apologise to Yabe for earlier. Classmate Yuki Yoshioka assumes that Hitoha is in love with Yabe and gets confused when conversation turns to obsession.

  • Norio Sakurai

Release Date: 2010-07-02
Seasons: 1 2
TMDb: 6.9/10
  • Country: JP
  • Language: 日本語
  • Runtime: 24

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