Image of Paolo Maria Scalondro

Paolo Maria Scalondro

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Paolo Maria Scalondro. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Oct 6, 1952 In Rome, Lazio, Italy
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Blue-Eyed Bandit 1980-08-07
Latest Project:
Movie Suburra 2015-10-14
Known For
Poster of Suburra
Poster of Political Target
Poster of Sleepless
Poster of Bakunin's Son
Movie Suburra informatore di Malgradi 2015-10-14
Series Tiberio Mitri - Il campione e la miss Proietti 2011-09-26
Movie Tiberio Mitri: Il campione e la miss Proietti 2011-09-26
Series Karol: The Pope, The Man Wojciech Jaruzelski 2006-05-10
Movie Karol: The Pope, The Man Wojciech Jaruzelski 2006-02-27
Movie Political Target Massimo D'Antona 2006-05-22
Series R.I.S. - Delitti Imperfetti Capitano Edoardo Rocchi 2005-01-12
Movie Raccontami una storia Piero 2004-02-01
Movie Maria Josè, l'ultima regina 2002-01-07
Movie Paz! Ispettore polizia 2002-02-22
Movie Sleepless Manni 2001-01-05
Series Cuori rubati Giorgio Donadoni 2000-01-14
Movie Radiofreccia Carlo 1998-10-16
Movie An Eyewitness Account Rostagno 1997-02-07
Movie Bakunin's Son De Gagistris 1997-10-03
Movie Strong Arms Avvocato 1997-04-09
Movie Consigli per gli acquisti Franco Maria Menduni 1997-09-12
Movie Love, Money and Philosophy Bank director 1996-03-28
Movie Vendetta Nitto Stradella 1995-02-10
Series Amico mio Dott. Bruno Montebovi 1993-12-07
Movie Il caso Moro PSI Undersecretary 1986-11-20
Movie Mussolini and I Bill 1985-04-14
Movie Nucleo Zero Mario Donati 1984-11-14
Movie 2019: After the Fall of New York Bronx 1983-07-22
Movie The Blue-Eyed Bandit Policeman 1980-08-07