Image of Lucho Velasco

Lucho Velasco

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Esmeraldero 2003-11-17
Latest Project:
Series The Queen of Flow 2018-06-12
Known For
Poster of Sniper: Ultimate Kill
Poster of Jungle
Series The Queen of Flow Manin 2018-06-12
Movie Jungle Don Jorge 2017-06-27
Movie Sniper: Ultimate Kill Captain Garza 2017-10-03
Series Pablo Escobar: The Drug Lord El Ecuatoriano 2012-05-28
Movie Mi gente linda, mi gente bella Jota 2012-06-08
Movie Bluff Passenger 1 2007-03-23
Movie Esmeraldero Young Eishy 2003-11-17