Image of Jorge Neto

Jorge Neto

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Jorge Neto. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
May 8, 1975 In Valongo, Portugal
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Pela primeira vez
Latest Project:
Movie House of Izabel 2024-06-27
Known For
Poster of Balas & Bolinhos: O Último Capítulo
Poster of Balas & Bolinhos: O Regresso
Poster of Ruy Blas
Poster of Balas & Bolinhos
Movie A Vida Fantástica de Sofia Agente Juvenal 2026
Movie Pela primeira vez 2026
Movie House of Izabel 2024-06-27
Movie The Seven Sorrows of Mary Diego 2024-04-25
Movie The Intrusion 2024-06-20
Movie Botashake - Vila do Conde Stories Pimpão 2023-04-10
Series Lov3 2022-02-18
Movie We Are All in the Gutter, But Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars 2020-01-28
Movie First Act Gabriel 2019-01-26
Series Joint Venture Rick 2019-08-04
Movie Os Sonhos de um Sonhador - A História de Frank Aguiar Frank (criança) 2015-11-26
Movie Balas & Bolinhos: O Último Capítulo Rato 2012-09-06
Movie The Beauty and the Paparazzo guy filming a brawl (uncredited) 2010-01-28
Movie Balas & Bolinhos: O Regresso Rato 2004-09-30
Movie Ruy Blas 2002-10-27
Movie Balas & Bolinhos Rato 2001-02-23