Image of Kamal ElZeiny

Kamal ElZeiny

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Jul 10, 1929 In Egypt
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie A Glass and a Cigarette 1955-09-11
Latest Project:
Movie Assassination 1996-07-15
Known For
Movie Assassination Unknown 1996-07-15
Movie Taming the ferocious 1996-01-21
Series ألف ليلة وليلة: فضل الله ووردانه 1996-01-21
Movie Sweet Oblivion Mukhtar Abu Al-Futouh 1996-02-09
Series Saken Osady Unknown 1995-01-31
Movie The Strongest Men رئيس التحرير 1993-03-24
Movie A woman pays the price Unknown 1993-10-18
Movie Ai Ai Unknown 1992-06-11
Series Bwabet Elhalwani الأمير أمان 1992-02-01
Movie Blood on the Asphalt 1992-12-14
Series رحلة أبو الوفا 1991-03-17
Movie Qanun Ika Dr. Sabry, university professor 1991-08-16
Movie The Egg and the Stone Security Manager 1990-04-26
Movie Hekaya Laha El Agab 1990-04-26
Movie Death Network 1990-10-01
Movie El Zalem Wel Mazloom مأمور السجن 1989-03-27
Movie Help Us 1989-06-05
Movie The Mud 1987-01-12
Movie Four On An Official Mission Shawki Al-Manasterly 1987-05-28
Series Hend and Dr. Noman فكري 1984-05-31
Movie Alsada Elmortashon Ali Hammad 1983-12-12
Series Tears on Bold Eyes 1980-07-13
Movie The Devil is a Woman 1972-09-18
Movie The Pickpocket 1970-01-01
Movie Fun Band 1970-08-10
Movie A Wife Without a Man 1969-01-01
Movie Ebn Al-Shaitan The prosecutor 1969-03-31
Movie Eve's Lies 1969-10-06
Movie A Crime in the Calm Neighbourhood 1967-09-25
Movie The Little Devil 1965-05-10
Movie El mughammerun el talata طبيب في المعسكر 1965-11-22
Movie Why Am I Living 1961-01-23
Movie The Impostor أمن المطار 1961-05-22
Movie A Man in Our House خطيب المظاهرة في الجامعة 1961-04-17
Movie رجل بلا قلب صديق / نبيل 1960-10-17
Movie Money and Women 1960-11-27
Movie A heart in the dark 1960-11-28
Movie I Am Free سيد مراد 1959-01-02
Movie Heart of Gold 1959-02-02
Movie Abo Hadeed 1958-12-29
Movie Sageen Abu Za'abal 1957-06-17
Movie A Glass and a Cigarette Hassan Hashish 1955-09-11