Movie |
My Nanny's Secret
Evan |
2009-10-13 |
Movie |
False Pretenses
Mitchell Thomson |
2004-10-25 |
Movie |
Hollywood Wives: The New Generation
Larry Singer |
2003-10-19 |
Movie |
The Reagans
Lew Wasserman |
2003-11-30 |
Movie |
Pretend You Don't See Her
Ken Lynch |
2002-01-12 |
Movie |
Daniel Cole |
2002-02-13 |
Movie |
Emmett Shaw |
2002-03-26 |
Series |
Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows
Artie Shaw |
2001-02-25 |
Movie |
Blind Terror
Kevin |
2001-04-23 |
Movie |
Danger Beneath the Sea
Lt. Commander Albert Kenner |
2001-11-29 |
Movie |
Cushing |
2000-02-11 |
Movie |
Sex & Mrs. X
Dale Scott |
2000-04-10 |
Movie |
Someone Is Watching
Joe Carvelli |
2000-02-20 |
Movie |
Out of Sync
Lowell Levitt |
2000-07-12 |
Movie |
Range of Motion
Burt Tyson |
2000-12-04 |
Movie |
Artificial Lies
Roger Bellamy |
2000-07-24 |
Movie |
The Devil's Arithmetic
Burton Stern |
1999-03-28 |
Movie |
Alan Cross |
1999-01-01 |
Movie |
36 Hours to Die
Sam |
1999-04-11 |
Movie |
A Walk on the Moon
Neil Leiberman |
1999-01-29 |
Movie |
One Special Night
Jeff |
1999-11-28 |
Movie |
Grey Owl
Cyrus Finney |
1999-10-01 |
Movie |
To Love, Honor, & Betray
1999-05-12 |
Movie |
Valentine's Day
Nocera |
1998-01-01 |
Movie |
Joel Hoffman |
1998-01-01 |
Movie |
Labor of Love
Tetlow |
1998-05-04 |
Movie |
While My Pretty One Sleeps
Nicky Jr |
1997-01-12 |
Movie |
1997-10-12 |
Movie |
The Conspiracy of Fear
Loomis |
1996-01-01 |
Movie |
Assistant Evan Glassman |
1996-11-02 |