Image of Alex Benno

Alex Benno

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Alex Benno. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Burning Mill 1913-01-24
Latest Project:
Movie Major Frans 1916-08-25
Known For
Poster of Major Frans
Poster of The Secret of the Lighthouse
Poster of Recovered
Poster of The Burning Mill
Movie Major Frans 1916-08-25
Movie The Secret of the Lighthouse Smokkelaar / Smuggler 1916-01-14
Movie Outlaw Dronken brandweerman 1916-03-31
Movie Ontmaskerd 1915-09-24
Movie Luchtkasteelen 1914-09-18
Movie Liefde waakt Politieagent 1914-07-03
Movie Recovered Rabbijn 1914-09-18
Movie Great Guys Among the Mobilization Kapitein 1914-10-16
Movie The Burning Mill Janus Blanus 1913-01-24
Movie Krates Dokter Abels / Circusspeler 1913-11-28
Movie Two Zeeland girls in Zandvoort 1913-09-25