Image of Behrouz Behnejad

Behrouz Behnejad

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Behrouz Behnejad. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Adamak 1971-12-22
Latest Project:
Movie Gholam 2017-11-10
Known For
Poster of Shab Zakhmi
Poster of Berehne ta zohr ba sorat
Movie Gholam 2017-11-10
Movie The Krays Maltese Gangster 1990-04-27
Movie Night Breaker 1985-01-02
Movie Shab Zakhmi Behrouz 1977-03-21
Movie The Cry Under Water Morteza 1977-01-01
Movie Intermediaries Hamid 1977-04-27
Movie The Last Supper 1976-05-01
Movie Berehne ta zohr ba sorat 1976-10-06
Movie Hayahoo Amir 1974-11-06
Movie Samad and Foolad Zereh, the Ogre The Officer on duty 1973-01-10
Movie Adamak Mahmoud 1971-12-22