Image of Georgia Zoi

Georgia Zoi

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Georgia Zoi. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Δούρειος Ίππος
Latest Project:
Movie Pencil Knife Baton 2021-07-07
Known For
Poster of Pencil Knife Baton
Poster of A Month of Sundays
Poster of Epafi
Poster of Electric Angel
Series Δούρειος Ίππος Ελένη 2026
Movie Pencil Knife Baton 2021-07-07
Movie A Month of Sundays Older Woman 2020-10-04
Series Big Bang Δέσποινα Μπουντούρη 2007-10-02
Series Epafi 2005-09-20
Movie Watch Out! Red Light Mitera tis Tzinas 2003-11-24
Movie The Wheestle-Priest 1983-12-09
Movie Ο Παπασούζας 1983-01-01
Movie The Red Train Άννα 1982-03-13
Movie Electric Angel 1981-10-20
Movie Wet Romeo Special Agent 1980-01-01
Movie The sun of death 1978-01-01