Image of Marc Béland

Marc Béland

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Marc Béland. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 15, 1958 In Montréal, Québec, Canada
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Human Sex 1985-11-17
Latest Project:
Movie Goodbye Happiness 2021-12-17
Known For
Poster of Nelly
Poster of The Scar
Poster of Twice a Woman
Poster of The Secret Life of Happy People
Movie Goodbye Happiness Comédien pièce de théâtre 2021-12-17
Movie Aline Obstétricien New York 2020-11-19
Movie Pauline Julien, Intimate and Political Lui-même (voix) 2018-09-21
Movie Nelly Psychanalist 2017-01-20
Movie On My Mother's Side Paul 2016-04-22
Series The Killer Inside Robin Fortin 2014-03-13
Movie The Scar Richard Tremblay 2013-03-03
Movie Twice a Woman Bruno 2010-05-01
Movie The Child Prodigy Monsieur Honneger 2010-05-28
Movie You Thomas 2007-08-27
Movie Guide de la petite vengeance Bernard 2006-11-17
Movie The Secret Life of Happy People Animateur, Yves Michel 2006-09-08
Series Grande Ourse Jérôme 2004-01-05
Series Tout le monde en parle Himself 2004-09-12
Movie Alice's Odyssey Prince Guillaume / Guillaume 2002-06-28
Series Annie et ses hommes Renaud Nadeau 2002-10-01
Movie The Widow of Saint-Pierre le soldat Loïc 2000-04-19
Movie La femme du boulanger Le curé 1999-06-07
Movie Human Sex 1985-11-17