Image of Samira Ahmed

Samira Ahmed

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Nov 15, 1938 In Asyut, Egypt
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Son of the Nile 1951-01-10
Latest Project:
Series Silk Collar 2023-03-22
Known For
Series Silk Collar 2023-03-22
Movie King Rocker Self 2020-10-31
Series Her Excellency Unknown 2020-09-22
Movie Cold War Steve Meets the Outside World Self 2020-11-24
Series Mom at the Police Station Fawzeya 2010-08-11
Series Only Connect Self - Contestant 2008-09-15
Series Celebrity Mastermind Unknown 2003-12-26
Series A Woman from the Time of Love 1998-12-20
Series ضد التيار 1997-02-06
Movie وحش الليل 1993-01-01
Movie Wadaan Ya Walady 1986-04-14
Movie Eimra mutlaqa 1986-06-07
Series To you with greetings 1985-05-09
Movie A World of Children Samia سامية 1976-09-24
Movie Nesaa Daeaat/ Nesaa Bela Ghaad Yasmine ياسمين 1975-04-21
Movie Night and Jail Bars 1973-05-29
Movie Al-Shaima 1972-08-28
Movie Aldiyae Salwa 1971-01-01
Movie Eye of life Mona Al-Hakim 1970-02-16
Movie The Blind Woman 1969-01-01
Movie ليلة واحدة 1969-05-07
Movie Eve's Lies 1969-10-06
Movie The Rebel 1968-01-02
Movie The Circus Sabah 1968-12-16
Movie Om Hashim's Lamp Fatima 1968-11-04
Movie The Other Half 1967-10-08
Movie Khan El-Khalili Nawal 1966-01-12
Movie Driven from Paradise 1965-05-12
Movie The Little Devil Ragaa 1965-05-10
Movie The Mountain مسعدة 1965-05-29
Movie The Three Wise Men 1965-06-28
Movie Harib min Al-Ayyam Doria bint Al-Umda 1965-11-22
Movie Hadith almadina 1964-04-06
Movie Flame 1964-04-26
Movie With people 1964-01-06
Movie Nemar el-Talamzah Nashwa 1964-11-01
Movie Son of Cleopatra Meroe 1964-12-31
Movie His Majesty Nawal 1963-11-04
Movie The Mother of the Bride أحلام حسين مرزوق 1963-12-23
Movie Struggle of the Heroes عفاف 1962-01-02
Movie Yawm El Hesab سلوى/ ياسمينة 1962-03-26
Movie اغفر لي خطيئتي 1962-10-07
Movie The spiteful Man 1962-05-14
Movie Alkharsaa Naima 1961-01-22
Movie The Shore of Love Laila 1961-01-01
Movie A Man in My Life 1961-06-21
Movie Couples and summer Latifah 1961-09-14
Movie The Girls in Summer فتحية 1960-03-28
Movie Bridge of Immortals 1960-03-28
Movie Gharamiat emaraa حكمت 1960-09-03
Movie صخرة الحب 1959-01-01
Movie سجن العذارى 1959-02-09
Movie I won't come back Nahed 1959-03-30
Movie Ismail Yassine in Damascus Lola Fayez Fawzi 1958-01-01
Movie Little devil Koussa - Nadia 1958-01-19
Movie Shall I Kill My Husband? 1958-05-05
Movie I'll Never Cry Daughter of Morsi 1957-02-25
Movie Lover's Walk 1957-03-17
Movie A Sinful Life 1957-05-14
Movie Love and the Death Penalty سميرة 1956-01-01
Movie Who's The Murderer? 1956-01-16
Movie Ismail Yassine Yukabel Raya Wa Sekina سعاد 1955-03-21
Movie Dearer Than My Eyes 1955-03-28
Movie Ismail Yassine Fil Geish Samira 1955-07-23
Movie The Criminal 1954-09-30
Movie Lovers Village 1954-11-29
Movie Professor Sharaf 1954-10-04
Movie Millione Guinee 1953-12-07
Movie Rayya and Sekina سعاد 1952-02-23
Movie Al-Nemr 1952-01-14
Movie Believing in God 1952-03-11
Movie The Great Clown 1952-04-21
Movie Son of the Nile المغنية 1951-01-10
Movie Habib el-Rooh Zouzou 1951-10-08