Image of Rendy Khrisna

Rendy Khrisna

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Rendy Khrisna. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Tersanjung 1998-04-10
Latest Project:
Movie Malaikat Tanpa Sayap 2023-11-18
Known For
Poster of Skull Top
Poster of Garuda in My Heart 2
Movie Malaikat Tanpa Sayap Maya's father 2023-11-18
Movie Fireworks Dokter 2023-03-02
Series A+ 2023-05-25
Movie The Twelve Stories of Glen Anggara Dr. Randi 2022-08-18
Movie Tuhan, Minta Duit! 2022-04-02
Movie Argantara Rudi (Syera's Father) 2022-12-29
Movie Skull Top Michael 2017-11-02
Movie Penjuru 5 Santri Gus Prass 2015-01-29
Movie Garuda in My Heart 2 Rudi 2011-12-15
Movie Lion of Karawang Bekasi K.H. Noer Ali 2003-08-21
Series Tersanjung Dandy / Denny 1998-04-10