Image of Emilia Dobrin

Emilia Dobrin

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Aug 1, 1948 In Vălenii de Munte, România
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Ciprian Porumbescu 1973-04-19
Latest Project:
Movie The New Year That Never Came 2024-09-27
Known For
Poster of On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube
Poster of Crew for Singapore
Poster of Poor Ioanide
Poster of Ciprian Porumbescu
Movie The New Year That Never Came Margareta Dincă 2024-09-27
Movie Sentimental Education 2023-06-16
Movie When It Snows Ms. Grecu 2017-10-13
Movie Exam Mama lui Cristi 2003-10-31
Movie Tandrețea lăcustelor 2002-11-01
Movie A Clod of Clay Ileana Creangă 1990-10-12
Movie The Great Vacation 1988-01-01
Movie The Secret of the Secret Weapon Zana cea buna 1988-01-01
Movie The Extras Costi's sister in law 1987-01-01
Movie Gathering Clouds Maria Probotă 1986-06-09
Movie On the Left Bank of the Blue Danube 1983-07-01
Movie Dangerous Turn Mrs. Apostolescu 1983-04-25
Movie Sequences herself 1982-11-29
Movie Man and Shadow 1981-01-01
Movie Crew for Singapore Emilia Besoiu 1981-01-01
Movie Poor Ioanide profesoara de istoria artelor Mimi 1980-04-28
Movie Astray Amalia 1978-01-01
Movie Red Apples 1976-01-08
Movie Fleeting Loves Ana Cartianu 1974-01-01
Movie Ciprian Porumbescu Marioara, sora lui Ciprian 1973-04-19