Image of Igor Sergeev

Igor Sergeev

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Aug 14, 1960
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie
Latest Project:
Movie Yards 2020-01-30
Known For
Poster of Promotion
Poster of Bravoman
Poster of Silent Souls
Poster of Chekist
Movie 2026
Movie Yards Paul 2020-01-30
Movie Dream Team Serega 2019-08-29
Movie Promotion 2018-06-04
Movie Mot Ne hunter 2017-12-01
Movie Bravoman 2016-08-20
Movie The Icebreaker капитан судна «Новороссийск» 2016-10-20
Movie Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes Hamlet (segment Poor Yorick) 2014-11-20
Movie Leviathan Father Vasiliy 2014-09-24
Movie The Outcome trainee 2013-09-09
Movie Could Be Worse 2012-04-07
Movie The Fourth Dimension 2012-06-27
Movie Sisyphus Is Happy Igor 2012-09-01
Movie Anna German direktor khlebokombinata 2012-09-03
Movie Four-eyes 2011-08-22
Movie Rasputin 2011-12-30
Movie Silent Souls Aist 2010-06-06
Series Zeta Group 2 Boyarchikov 2009-02-24
Movie The Banishment Viktor 2008-03-27
Movie The Ugly Swans 2006-10-19
Movie Sword-Bearer 2006-10-12
Movie Downfall Russischer Soldat 2004-09-16
Movie Peculiarities of the National Hunt граф 1995-06-15
Movie Chekist Срубов - председатель ГубЧК 1992-09-15