Image of Nil Göncü

Nil Göncü

Nil Şükran Göncü (10 April 1950 - 3 September 1969) was a Turkish film actress. She made her debut in cinema by playing the lead role in the movie Kuyu directed by Metin Erksan. The actress, who starred in five movies throughout her life, died at the age of 19 in Şişli Etfal Hospital, where she was hospitalized due to intestinal knot disease while making her last movie Sarı Çizmeli. Her body was removed from Teşvikiye Mosque and buried in Zincirlikuyu Cemetery.

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Apr 10, 1950 In Istanbul, Turkey
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Well 1968-01-01
Latest Project:
Movie Kanlı Sevda 1969-05-01
Known For
Poster of Kanlı Sevda
Poster of Devlerin Öcü
Poster of Garibanlar Mahallesi
Poster of The Well
Movie Garibanlar Mahallesi 1969-01-01
Movie Devlerin Öcü 1969-01-01
Movie Kanlı Sevda 1969-05-01
Movie The Well Fatma 1968-01-01