Image of Amir Reza Delavari

Amir Reza Delavari

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Awakening of the women's house 2008-01-30
Latest Project:
Series Cold Blooded 2022-08-19
Known For
Poster of Cold Blooded
Poster of The Therapist
Poster of The Rebel
Poster of Sniper
Series The Rebel 2022-05-18
Series The Therapist 2022-07-18
Series Cold Blooded 2022-08-19
Movie Sniper 2021-01-31
Movie Conditional Release 2018-03-09
Movie Burnt Matches Amir 2016-06-21
Movie Che Sirvan 2014-02-24
Movie A Man for All Seasons 2014-05-08
Movie Black Intelligence 2010-05-10
Movie Awakening of the women's house 2008-01-30