Image of Marcin Juchniewicz

Marcin Juchniewicz

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Marcin Juchniewicz. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Oct 5, 1978
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Crown Witness 2007-02-02
Latest Project:
Movie The Wedding Day 2021-10-08
Known For
Poster of The Wedding Day
Poster of The Coldest Game
Poster of Politics
Poster of Clergy
Movie The Wedding Day Ochroniarz Styś / Felczer 2021-10-08
Movie Politics Funkcjonariusz BOR 2019-09-06
Movie The Coldest Game Policjant przy blokadzie drogi 2019-11-08
Movie Clergy narzeczony 2018-09-28
Movie Once Upon a Time in November Cywil 2017-11-03
Movie Kobiety bez wstydu "Browar" (uncredited) 2016-07-22
Movie A Simple Story About Murder "Talib" 2016-10-21
Movie A Grain of Truth Rzeźnicki 2015-01-09
Series Uwikłani Ryszard "Roko" Mielec 2015-03-04
Movie The Mighty Angel Ojciec "Królowej Kentu" 2014-01-17
Movie The Traffic Department Zoran 2013-01-31
Movie The Top Floor 2013-11-29
Movie Rose Wasyl's friend 2012-02-03
Movie The Dark House Woznak 2009-11-27
Movie Wednesday, Thursday Morning Skinhead (uncredited) 2008-02-10
Movie Time of Darkness Budruk 2008-04-17
Movie The Crown Witness "Łysy" 2007-02-02