Image of Farah Ahmad

Farah Ahmad

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Farah Ahmad. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Sabung
Latest Project:
Series Khunsa 2024-03-11
Known For
Poster of Miimaland
Poster of Roh
Poster of Potret Moyang
Poster of Tombiruo
Movie Sabung 2026
Series Khunsa 2024-03-11
Movie Gemencheh Boys Azad's Mom 2023-10-26
Movie La Luna Enah 2023-11-09
Movie Mat Kilau Yang Chik 2022-06-23
Series Anak Sena Kiambang 2021-08-26
Series Sihir 2021-11-01
Movie Frontliner 2021-09-30
Movie Showtime 1958 Rubiah 2020-06-07
Movie Miimaland 2020-09-24
Movie Roh Mak 2020-08-06
Movie Once Upon A Time - Reach for the Stars Latipah 2019-09-12
Movie Potret Moyang 2019-01-12
Movie Crossroads: One Two Jaga Investigating Officer 2018-09-06
Movie Tombiruo Monsiroi 2017-10-12
Movie Chermin Rosnah 2007-03-22