Image of Gyula Szabó

Gyula Szabó

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Gyula Szabó. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Young at Heart 1953-04-09
Latest Project:
Movie The Seventh Brother 1991-01-25
Known For
Poster of Heroic Times
Poster of The Little Fox
Poster of Breakdown
Poster of Captain Tenkes
Movie The Seventh Brother Dr. Bagoly 1991-01-25
Movie Miss Arizona 1988-02-04
Movie Heroic Times Narrator (voice) 1984-08-30
Movie Háry János Háry (voice) 1983-09-20
Movie Another Way Comrade Erdõs (voice) 1982-05-01
Movie Son of the White Mare Hétszünyü Kaponyányi Monyók / Esökirály (voice) 1981-10-22
Movie The Little Fox Kag 1981-12-10
Movie Örkény István: Tóték A postás 1978-01-14
Movie Rumbling Silence János 1978-01-19
Movie Breakdown Őrmester 1977-12-01
Series Robog az úthenger Józsi 1977-01-01
Movie Rolling on the Road Roller Józsi 1977-01-29
Movie A lőcsei fehér asszony Andrássy István 1976-12-01
Movie Face to Face 1970-01-01
Movie On Home Grounds 1969-01-23
Movie The Corporal and the Others György Fekete / Károly Fekete 1965-09-03
Series Captain Tenkes Buga Jakab 1964-01-11
Movie A Certain Major Benedek Mihály Vendlótzky 1960-06-08
Movie Our Kid Jóska Gordon 1959-01-01
Movie Yesterday Szusza-Kis 1959-08-18
Movie Pár lépés a határ Béla Balogh, friend of Szabó 1959-11-26
Movie Iron Flower Motyó 1958-05-01
Movie Adventure in Gerolstein 1957-09-19
Movie Abyss 1956-06-05
Movie Gala Dinner 1956-09-20
Movie Georges Dandin 1955-12-01
Movie Love Travelling a Coach János Mag 1955-01-01
Movie A Glass of Beer 1955-08-12
Movie The Birth of Menyhért Simon Hegedûs 1954-01-21
Movie Young at Heart Czobor 1953-04-09
Movie The Day of Wrath 1953-11-12