Vikram Chatterjee is a Bengali film actor. He made his big screen debut with a small role in Mainak Bhowmik's 2012 movie Bedroom and was immediately noticed. In the same year he acted in Bappaditya Bandopadhyay's Elar Char Adhyay based on Rabindranath Tagore's last novel Char Adhyay as a lead. Soon after he acted in Ami Aar Amar Girlfriends, Hoichoi, Britto and many other films and established himself as a lead in Bengali films. He has gained immense popularity from his daily soap Ichchenodi where he played the lead character, Anurag and enjoys a huge fan base, thanks to the success of the show. Vikram has earned a lot of accolades for his film "Shaheb Bibi Golaam", where the whole industry has taken notice of his brilliant portrayal of Zico. As described by Calcutta Times, he is "Tellyland's" hottest man and 5th among most desirable men in 2017.[2] Vikram has been the heartthrob for many in the recent years and has been loved for many of his performances especially in the recent past. His recent releases Khoj (2017 film) directed by Arko Ganguly and Meghnad Badh Rahasya directed by Anik Dutta of Bhooter Bhabishyat fame, have been critically acclaimed and successful at the box office as well.
Movie | Abar Phiruk Alap Shrut | 2026 | |
Movie | Memory X | 2026 | |
Movie | Pariah Vol. 1 | Lubdhak Chatterjee | 2024-02-09 |
Movie | Surjo | Surjo | 2024-07-19 |
Movie | Shesh Pata | Sounak Hazra | 2023-04-15 |
Movie | Shohorer Ushnotomo Din E | Ritoban | 2023-06-30 |
Movie | Kuler Achaar | Pritam | 2022-06-22 |
Series | Rudrabinar Obhishaap | 2021-12-24 | |
Series | Tansener Tanpura | Alap | 2020-06-26 |
Series | Pabitra Puppies | 2020-06-13 | |
Movie | Durey Thaka Kachher Manush | 2020-05-12 | |
Movie | Khoj | Sayan Bose | 2017-06-02 |
Movie | Meghnadbodh Rohoshyo | Rick Bose | 2017-07-21 |
Movie | Shaheb Bibi Golaam | Rapist | 2016-05-22 |
Series | Byomkesh | Bilash Mallick | 2014-11-20 |
Movie | Aami Shudhu Cheyechhi Tomay | 2014-05-16 | |
Movie | Gogoler Kirti | Joy / Magic Dada | 2014-09-12 |
Series | Bigg Boss | Himself | 2013-06-17 |
Movie | Hoichoi | 2013-07-12 | |
Movie | Ami Aar Amar Girlfriends | 2013-05-10 | |
Movie | Bedroom | 2012-01-06 | |
Movie | Elar Char Adhyay | Atin | 2012-05-17 |