Image of Samir Fuchs

Samir Fuchs

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Mar 28, 1977 In Berlin, Germany
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Way of the Wind
Latest Project:
Series Sebastian Fitzek's Therapy 2023-10-26
Known For
Poster of I'm Off Then
Poster of Was machen Frauen morgens um halb vier?
Poster of Homeland
Movie The Way of the Wind Elimelech 2026
Series Sebastian Fitzek's Therapy Wolfgang Riegger 2023-10-26
Movie The House Farhood 2021-10-07
Movie O My God Rael 2020-11-01
Movie Schnitzel de Luxe Kostas Papastatopoulos 2019-01-09
Movie Der Auftrag Umar Darbi 2019-03-30
Movie A Regular Woman Prediger 2019-05-09
Movie Mute Neighbor #2 2018-02-23
Movie Frau Pfarrer & Herr Priester Imam Abu Hammad 2016-03-18
Movie Karbala Sadrist Commander 2015-09-08
Movie Heimat ist kein Ort Karim 2015-10-09
Movie I'm Off Then Doctor 2015-12-24
Movie Berlin -7º Omar 2013-02-01
Movie Iron Sky Middle East Representative 2012-04-04
Movie Tod einer Polizistin 2012-10-03
Movie Was machen Frauen morgens um halb vier? Dolmetscher 2012-07-04
Series Homeland Sheik Hafiz 2011-10-02
Movie Halbmond:abnehmend Reza 2011-05-30
Movie The Baader Meinhof Complex Ägyptischer Fahrer 2008-09-25
Series Polizeiruf 110 Ari Ben Kanaan 1971-06-27
Series Scene of the Crime Konsul Abdel Saleh 1970-11-29