Image of Tamara Arciuch

Tamara Arciuch

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Tamara Arciuch. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Młode Wilki 1/2 1998-01-23
Latest Project:
Movie Loss of Balance 2025-05-09
Known For
Poster of Second chance
Poster of Los numeros
Poster of Oficerowie
Poster of Camera Cafe
Movie Loss of Balance Dean 2025-05-09
Series Professional Secrecy Monika Litwin 2021-02-17
Movie Head Shot Beata 2021-08-06
Movie Hotshot Matka 2020-09-03
Series Second chance Kinga Kryńska 2016-02-15
Movie 7 Things You Don't Know About Men Filip's Boss 2016-02-26
Movie Och, Karol 2 Agata 2011-01-21
Movie Battle of the Sexes 2011-02-25
Movie Los numeros Marta Sarnowska, szefowa ochrony "Tele Loterii" 2011-03-25
Movie Złoty środek Wiktoria Kwiatkowska 2009-03-20
Movie Lesser Evil lekarka 2009-10-23
Series Trzeci oficer nadkomisarz Stella Lewandowska-Rybak 2008-09-04
Series Ojciec Mateusz Justyna Malec 2008-12-07
Series Halo, Hans! Piękna Nieznajoma 2007-12-01
Series Oficerowie Stella Lewandowska-Rybak 2006-09-24
Series Officer nadkomisarz Stella Lewandowska 2005-03-17
Series Niania Karolina Lapinska 2005-09-10
Series Camera Cafe Żona prezesa 2004-03-01
Movie Long Weekend Matka Felusia 2004-05-03
Movie The Wedding Kaśka, Panna Młoda 2004-10-13
Movie Młode Wilki 1/2 Ania's friend 1998-01-23