Image of Abrahão Farc

Abrahão Farc

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Jul 28, 1937
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Woman of Everyone 1969-10-24
Latest Project:
Movie Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina 2021-04-10
Known For
Poster of Beautiful and Corrupted
Poster of Tiradentes, O Mártir da Independência
Poster of O Predileto
Poster of O Detetive Bolacha Contra o Gênio do Crime
Movie Desire Machine: 60 Years of Teatro Oficina Self 2021-04-10
Movie A Primeira Missa ou Tristes Tropeços, Enganos e Urucum Vice-presidente do banco 2014-10-16
Movie Father’s Chair Sr. Custódio 2012-01-20
Movie Light in Darkness: The Return of Red Light Bandit 2012-05-13
Series Sete Pecados Silas Aguiar 2007-06-18
Movie Drained Homem dos Soldadinhos de Chumbo 2006-09-27
Movie Cafundó Judge 2005-09-29
Movie Manual for Love Stories Mordomo 2004-01-01
Movie Nina Sr. Freak 2004-01-28
Series Marisol Dr. Heitor 2002-04-09
Movie Buccaneer Soul 1993-07-07
Movie Oswaldianas 1992-02-21
Movie Perigo Negro Rafael 1992-02-21
Series Salomé Albino 1991-06-03
Series Gente Fina 1990-03-12
Series Kananga do Japão Natan Xavier 1989-07-19
Movie Vera Librarian 1986-10-24
Movie It's Not All True 1986-08-22
Series Tudo ou Nada Dr. Salomão Barcellos 1986-09-15
Series De Quina Pra Lua Moshe 1985-10-21
Series Meus Filhos, Minha Vida advogado de Mário 1984-06-08
Series Meu Destino É Pecar Saul 1984-05-21
Series A Máfia no Brasil 1984-09-10
Series Livre Para Voar Seu Lau 1984-09-17
Series Campeão Mathias 1982-12-06
Movie Act of Violence Diretor da PE 1981-04-06
Series Dinheiro Vivo 1979-08-06
Series Gaivotas Júlio 1979-05-21
Movie The Ripper of Women 1978-09-10
Series Salário Mínimo Osório 1978-09-11
Movie Tiradentes, O Mártir da Independência 1977-04-04
Series O Profeta Piragibe 1977-10-24
Movie Excitation Delegado 1977-05-30
Movie Beautiful and Corrupted 1977-09-10
Movie O Mulherengo 1976-01-01
Series O Julgamento Procópio Piloto 1976-10-04
Series Xeque-Mate Salomão 1976-03-29
Series Ovelha Negra Vital 1975-06-02
Movie Cada um Dá o Que Tem Garçom 1975-06-23
Series A Viagem Tibério 1975-10-01
Movie O Predileto Mestre de obras 1975-12-19
Series Ídolo de Pano Guilherme 1974-09-09
Movie O Detetive Bolacha Contra o Gênio do Crime 1973-12-22
Series Mulheres de Areia Marujo 1973-03-26
Series Bel-Ami 1972-06-26
Series Camomila e Bem-Me-Quer Lula 1972-10-05
Movie Bang Bang Fat Man 1971-02-11
Movie The Woman of Everyone Tourist 1969-10-24