Image of Tom Wentzel

Tom Wentzel

Tom Wentzel is a Finnish actor and singer who also regularly performs in live theater productions at the Helsinki City Theater. He has appeared in the television series Rauta-aika and Hovimäki as well as several films, most notably as the leading man of the Hungarian-Finnish binational production of Tullivapaa avioliitto (English: 'Duty Free Marriage').

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Sep 9, 1947 In Helsinki, Finland
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Poet and Muse 1978-10-13
Latest Project:
Movie Family Time 2018-09-26
Known For
Poster of Family Time
Poster of Goodbye Gibraltar
Poster of The Age of Iron
Poster of Pedon merkki
Movie Family Time 2018-09-26
Movie Beyond the Front Line 2004-03-05
Movie Kites Over Helsinki 2001-09-07
Movie Deadly Drift Simon 1999-03-12
Series Presidentin mies Björn Sund 1998-01-01
Movie Goodbye Gibraltar Håkan 1993-12-17
Movie Punainen huone Pertti, Raisa's husband 1991-05-21
Movie Uppo-Nalle 1991-12-06
Movie Porttikielto taivaaseen 1990-03-30
Movie Nuoruuteni savotat Juntunen 1988-11-18
Movie Palava enkeli Johan Kukkola 1984-02-17
Series Jäinen horisontti Martin Ahlvik 1984-03-14
Series The Age of Iron Lemminki 1982-02-28
Movie Pedon merkki Helmut von Stein 1981-09-25
Movie Duty Free Marriage Pekka Eskola 1980-02-19
Movie Poet and Muse Freyan rakastaja 1978-10-13