Image of Tadeusz Kondrat

Tadeusz Kondrat

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Tadeusz Kondrat. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Apr 8, 1908 In Przemyśl, Austro-Węgry
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Adventure in Marienstadt 1954-01-25
Latest Project:
Movie Polonia Restituta 1981-05-18
Known For
Poster of The Hourglass Sanatorium
Poster of The Criminal Who Stole a Crime
Poster of Where Is the Third King?
Poster of April
Movie Polonia Restituta doktor 1981-05-18
Movie Playing with the Devil Belzebub 1980-01-14
Movie The Leaves Have Fallen świadek Jehowy 1975-11-17
Movie The Hourglass Sanatorium Jakub 1973-12-12
Movie Dekameron 40 czyli cudowne przytrafienie pewnego nieboszczyka Mazzeo de la Montana 1971-12-26
Movie Człowiek z M-3 Edward Zocha 1969-02-21
Movie The Criminal Who Stole a Crime Doctor treating Siwy 1969-10-07
Movie Zbrodnia lorda Artura Savile'a Lord Savile's Footman 1968-01-28
Movie The Doll Szlangbaum 1968-11-07
Movie Where Is the Third King? Władysław Janas 1967-01-20
Movie Walkover Old Shop Owner 1965-06-04
Movie April Klukwa 1961-11-08
Movie Zemsta Papkin 1957-09-30
Movie Magical Bicycle Latin teacher 1955-12-25
Movie Adventure in Marienstadt Władysław Dobrzyniec 1954-01-25
Movie Under the Phrygian Star Lubart 1954-10-30
Movie Cellulose Lubart 1954-04-27