Image of Gustavo Bassani

Gustavo Bassani

Gustavo Bassani (Buenos Aires, born January 30, 1983) is an Argentine theatre, film, and television actor.

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Jan 30, 1983 In Buenos Aires, Argentina
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Papers
Latest Project:
Series Las maldiciones 2025-12-31
Known For
Poster of Las maldiciones
Poster of Sin salida
Poster of Yosi, the Regretful Spy
Poster of Papers
Movie Papers Eric Velasco 2026
Series Las maldiciones 2025-12-31
Movie Transmitzvah Sergio 2024-10-10
Movie Sin salida 2024-11-07
Series Yosi, the Regretful Spy Iosi 2022-04-29