Image of Władysław Kowalski

Władysław Kowalski

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Władysław Kowalski. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Feb 24, 1936 In Żurawce, Poland
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Kanal 1957-04-20
Latest Project:
Movie Eccentrics, the Sunny Side of the Street 2016-01-15
Known For
Poster of Gods
Poster of Był sobie dzieciak
Poster of Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema
Poster of Where Are You, Louise?
Movie Eccentrics, the Sunny Side of the Street Dr. Garfinkel 2016-01-15
Movie Body Władysław 2015-01-20
Movie Damaged Rainer 2015-10-02
Movie Gods Profesor Jan Moll 2014-10-10
Movie Close-Ups lekarz 2014-10-24
Movie Był sobie dzieciak Old Man 2013-07-31
Movie Pokaż kotku, co masz w środku priest 2011-12-24
Movie Little Rose Aktor w "Dziadach" 2010-03-12
Movie Mystification Leopold 2010-03-26
Movie Lesser Evil publicysta 2009-10-23
Series Doręczyciel Juraś Milczek 2009-03-01
Movie Popieluszko: Freedom Is Within Us Professor of Physics 2009-02-27
Movie The Bait Ojciec 2009-09-04
Movie Louise's Garden "Kaleka" Frankowski 2008-04-11
Movie Niezawodny system Antique Dealer 2008-05-18
Movie Katyn Professor U. J. 2007-09-21
Movie Tomorrow's Weather 2003-10-02
Movie Sposób na Alcybiadesa Historyk Tymoteusz Misiak "Alcybiades" 2001-08-15
Movie Avalon Game Master 2001-01-20
Series Sposób na Alcybiadesa historyk Tymoteusz Misiak "Alcybiades" 2001-08-15
Movie Pan Tadeusz 1999-10-18
Movie Queen of the Angels Ojciec Jakuba 1999-11-12
Movie Spona Tymoteusz Misiak, "Alcybiades", the history teacher 1998-02-27
Movie Poznań 56 profesor w wagonie 1996-11-28
Movie Les Milles Max Ernst 1995-08-22
Movie Deborah Mr. Grosman 1995-11-07
Movie 1968. Happy New Year Bolesław Szokalski 1993-02-12
Movie Warsaw: Year 5703 Photographe 1992-08-26
Movie Cynga 1991-06-07
Movie The Double Life of Véronique Weronika's Father 1991-05-15
Movie Panny i wdowy Jan Darski 1991-09-12
Movie Skarga Priest 1991-12-18
Movie The Master and Margarita Mistrz 1990-06-15
Movie Escape from the 'Liberty' Cinema Tadeusz 1990-10-14
Movie Daze Władysław Janota-Czerkański 1989-02-20
Movie Decalogue VII Stefan 1989-05-16
Movie Pěsti ve tmě 1987-03-01
Movie The Young Magician Police Chief 1987-08-01
Movie 111 dni letargu Adam Grzymała-Siedlecki 1985-04-03
Movie Medium Selin 1985-10-03
Movie Zabawa w chowanego 1984-01-01
Movie Postcard from a Journey Jakub Rosenberg 1984-03-05
Movie The Planet 'Tailor' Dr. Janik 1984-09-18
Movie Synthesis 1984-06-11
Movie Gwiazda Wytrwałości Lieutenant 1981-03-02
Movie In Broad Daylight court clerk 1981-03-16
Movie The Smaller Sky Filip Szmidt 1981-09-21
Movie Shivers Father 1981-11-23
Movie Powstanie listopadowe. 1830 - 1831 Joachim Lelewel 1980-12-14
Movie Without Love redaktor Piotr Kłosiński 1980-12-26
Movie Hospital of the Transfiguration Patient 1979-03-28
Movie Merry Christmas mąż Reni 1977-12-21
Movie To Kill This Love Lekarz 1972-12-10
Series Kolumbowie Jerzy 1970-09-09
Movie Red Rowan Ensign Jerzy Kręcki 1970-01-17
Movie Where Are You, Louise? Ludwik 1968-09-06
Movie Return to Earth Speaker (uncredited) 1967-02-03
Movie The Killer Leaves a Trace Romek 1967-08-18
Movie No More Divorces Tomek Jaworek (Segment 1) 1964-02-25
Movie Love at Twenty Władek (segment "Warszawa") 1962-06-22
Movie Gold Dreams Kazik 1962-10-26
Movie Goodbye to the Past Olek Nowak 1961-03-23
Movie Samson Fiałka / Jakub Gold (voice) 1961-09-11
Movie The Road West Roman Górski 1961-09-07
Movie Good Bye, Till Tomorrow Boy at an Exhibition (uncredited) 1960-05-25
Movie Kanal Polski żołnierz 1957-04-20