Image of Nick Blake

Nick Blake

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Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Pike River
Latest Project:
Movie Mortal Engines 2018-11-27
Known For
Movie Pike River Justice Pankhurst 2026
Movie Blue Cow Ewan 2026
Movie Kiwi Snowy Lupton 2018-07-08
Movie Mortal Engines Waving Aviator 2018-11-27
Movie Chronesthesia Richard 2016-07-29
Movie Belief: The Possession of Janet Moses Pakeha Dave 2015-07-28
Movie The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Percy 2014-12-10
Movie The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Percy 2013-12-11
Movie Stolen Terence Traynor 2010-07-26
Movie Home by Christmas Les Harker 2010-04-29
Movie District 9 Francois Moraneu - CIV Engineer Team 2009-08-05
Movie Black Sheep Taxi Driver 2007-03-29
Movie Ike: Countdown to D-Day Air Chef Marshall Tedder 2004-05-31