Image of Yvick Letexier

Yvick Letexier

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Yvick Letexier. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 14, 1993 In Grenoble, France
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Le Zapping Amazing 2 2013-02-15
Latest Project:
Series Loups Garous 2024-10-11
Known For
Poster of Un bon moment
Poster of Crac Crac
Poster of Tout Pour Le Muscle
Poster of Le Tour du Bagel
Series Loups Garous Narrator (voice) 2024-10-11
Series #LoveArmy : Où es-tu Jérôme ? Self 2024-03-20
Movie Les 10 ans de Studio Bagel Self - Actor 2023-02-10
Movie Crossover McWalter 2023-02-13
Movie MST : Moyennement Sûr du Titre Mister V 2022-04-04
Movie Hawa Mister V 2022-09-13
Series Le Flambeau, les aventuriers de Chupacabra William 2022-05-23
Movie LOVID 2021-04-21
Series All the Way Up Acteur 2020-03-20
Series Un bon moment Unknown 2020-01-12
Movie BLANKO Bertrand 2020-12-23
Series La Flamme William 2020-10-12
Movie All Inclusive Pepito 2019-02-13
Movie Place publique Biggistar 2018-04-18
Movie The Mansion Djamal 2017-06-21
Series Tout Pour Le Muscle Kilianna Montana 2017-05-29
Series Crac Crac Unknown 2017-12-21
Movie Good Guys Go to Heaven, Bad Guys Go to Pattaya Ado Kaira (as Mister V) 2016-02-24
Movie Mr Gaspacho 2016-08-06
Series Le Tour du Bagel 2015-11-12
Movie Le Zapping Amazing 2 Mister V 2013-02-15
Movie Mission 404 : Internet doit rester vivant Twitter / Orangina 2013-06-07
Series Le Dézapping du Before 2013-09-16