Image of Bernie Diamond

Bernie Diamond

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Bernie Diamond. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
May 22, 1922
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Charly 2002-09-27
Latest Project:
Movie A 2nd Witness 2014-09-02
Known For
Poster of A 2nd Witness
Poster of The Letter Writer
Poster of One Man's Treasure
Movie A 2nd Witness Speaker 2014-09-02
Movie 17 Miracles Speaker 2011-06-03
Movie The Letter Writer Sam Worthington 2011-11-15
Movie One Man's Treasure Caretaker 2009-01-01
Movie Take A Chance 2006-05-02
Movie Church Ball Old Man Player 2006-03-17
Movie Baptists at Our Barbecue Fern 2004-10-08
Movie Charly Mr. Rafferty 2002-09-27