Image of Samira Mohsen

Samira Mohsen

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Jan 4, 1945 In مصر
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie لعبة الحب
Latest Project:
Series الضاهر 2019-11-30
Known For
Poster of Al Zayni Barakat
Poster of No Mixing
Poster of harbor girl
Movie بستان الوهم 2026
Movie لعبة الحب 2026
Series الضاهر أوديت - ظهور مميز 2019-11-30
Series The Story of Hayat 2013-07-10
Movie El Ashash الراهبة ماريـان 2013-10-14
Series Okht Therese 2012-06-01
Series Shams Al Ansary 2012-07-20
Movie Room 707 سميرة 2007-03-27
Movie First Year of Deception 2004-01-23
Series درب ابن برقوق ليلى 2000-11-27
Movie Wall of Heroism 1998-04-01
Series ألف ليلة وليلة: فضل الله ووردانه أم فرفورة 1996-01-21
Series Al Zayni Barakat 1995-01-31
Series Bwabet Elhalwani نعيمة 1992-02-01
Movie Alhajar alddayir 1992-10-12
Movie The Execution Squad 1989-01-02
Movie Sarkhat Nadam 1988-08-15
Movie Red mourning clothes 1987-01-01
Movie A Slam Dunk 1987-09-28
Movie The Escape from El-Khanka 1987-09-21
Movie Haqad aimra'a 1987-05-28
Movie No Mixing 1986-12-29
Movie Humans and Jinn 1985-11-04
Movie The Network 1985-12-09
Movie Fingerprints On Water 1985-08-26
Series ألف ليلة وليلة ضيف شرف 1984-05-31
Series الفتوحات الإسلامية 1981-08-02
Movie From home to school Tafida 1972-09-04
Movie Incident of Dishonor 1971-09-06
Movie ٣ وجوه للحب 1969-11-24
Movie A Bit of Torment 1969-09-22
Movie Bit of Fear إنعام 1969-02-03
Movie Very funny world 1968-03-04
Movie The Rebels نرجس - الممرضة 1968-01-02
Movie harbor girl 1964-01-20
Movie The Final Message 1964-11-29
Movie El hasnaa waal talaba 1963-12-08
Movie Shakawet banat خديجة 1963-04-29