Image of Zoran Pingel

Zoran Pingel

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Zoran Pingel. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Mar 17, 1999 In Hamburg, Germany
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Bella Block 1993-12-17
Latest Project:
Series The Gryphon 2023-05-26
Known For
Poster of Karla, Rosalie und das Loch in der Wand
Poster of Kitz
Poster of Bonnie and Bonnie
Series The Gryphon Memo 2023-05-26
Movie Karla, Rosalie und das Loch in der Wand Raif 2022-01-14
Movie Kippa Özgür 2021-06-16
Series Kitz Kosh Ziervogel 2021-12-30
Movie Bonnie and Bonnie Jamal 2019-10-24
Movie The Peppercorns and the Curse of the Black King Bosse 2017-09-07
Movie Mein Sohn, der Klugscheißer Said 2016-10-07
Series Heiter bis tödlich - Morden im Norden Flori 2012-02-21
Series Bella Block Nuri 1993-12-17