Image of Yasna Mirtahmasb

Yasna Mirtahmasb

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Yasna Mirtahmasb. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Apr 17, 1999 In Tehran, Iran
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie 13 2014-07-09
Latest Project:
Series The Asphalt Jungle 2024-03-22
Known For
Poster of Va Migozarim...
Poster of Searing Summer
Poster of It Happened at Midnight
Poster of 13
Series The Asphalt Jungle 2024-03-22
Movie Dustland Sajjad 2022-02-01
Series Queen of Beggars Soheil 2021-01-06
Movie Dressage 2019-01-09
Movie Va Migozarim... 2018-12-22
Movie Searing Summer 2017-06-14
Movie It Happened at Midnight 2016-02-03
Movie 13 2014-07-09
Movie 13 2014-12-18