Image of Tommi Korpela

Tommi Korpela

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Tommi Korpela. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Aug 23, 1968 In Helsinki, Finland
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie Kauhun millimetrit 1992-03-06
Latest Project:
Movie 8 Views of Lake Biwa 2024-02-16
Known For
Poster of Lake Bodom
Poster of Mennen tullen
Poster of Studio Julmahuvi
Movie The Missile Pertti Keinänen 2024-02-02
Movie 8 Views of Lake Biwa Planton 2024-02-16
Series Eroja ja sovintoja Matti 2023-10-16
Movie MC Helper beKINGs Mustakäsi 2022-04-22
Movie Super Furball Saves the Future Sakari Laaksonen 2022-10-14
Series A Good Family Lefa Halme 2022-11-30
Movie Bubble Teuvo 2022-11-25
Movie Hyväveli Havukainen 2022-12-09
Movie Night of the Living Dicks Simo Rantamies 2021-03-01
Movie Laundry Neighbor 2021-02-18
Movie Attack on Finland 2021-11-19
Movie In Dreams Juho, isä 2021-12-14
Series Perfect Commando Majuri Miettinen 2020-02-13
Movie Helene Editor 2020-01-17
Movie Eden Juhani 2020-08-07
Movie Spring Break Antti 2020-07-19
Movie Forest Giant Virtasalmi 2020-09-11
Movie The Potato Venture Bisnesenkeli 2020-12-25
Movie The Last Ones Kari 2020-11-13
Movie Somebody Should Do Something Onerva's Father 2019-06-07
Movie Two Bodies on a Beach Astronautti 2019-03-07
Movie It’s All Right 2019-09-25
Series M/S Romantic Gusu 2019-02-24
Movie Are You Hungry? Microwaveman 2019-09-10
Movie Gone Matti's Colleague 2019-11-29
Movie Maria's Paradise Eino Vartiovaara 2019-10-04
Series The Night Servants Jasse 2019-11-01
Movie Force of Habit Kari 2019-09-27
Series Deadwind Alex Hoikkala 2018-03-14
Movie Super Furball Sakari Laaksonen 2018-01-26
Movie Matti and Sami and the Three Biggest Mistakes in the Universe Father Sulo 2018-04-19
Movie Void Eero Kaila 2018-09-28
Series Bullets Timo Viita 2018-10-19
Movie Happier Times, Grump Tiaisen Harri 2018-08-24
Movie The Other Side of Hope Melartin 2017-02-03
Movie Heroes of the Baltic Sea Captain Vrome 2017-04-16
Movie The Eternal Road Jussi Ketola 2017-09-15
Movie Wonderland Harri 2017-12-01
Series Love and Order Markku Nyqvist 2017-10-29
Movie Waste Land 2016-01-01
Movie Lake Bodom Hiker (voice) 2016-08-19
Movie The Mine Yksi Talvivaaran johtajista 2016-01-22
Movie Flowers of Evil Koski 2016-09-30
Movie Tatu and Patu: An Oddsville Christmas Rafael Angstinen 2016-10-19
Series Heroes of the Baltic Sea Captain Vrome 2016-12-26
Series Napamiehet Tommi Korpela 2015-03-28
Movie Distractions kiinteistövälittäjä Max Strömberg / Ukko, "Ukkeli" 2015-09-11
Movie The Midwife Gödel 2015-09-04
Movie Raspberry Boat Refugee Father 2014-08-19
Movie Santa Jussi 2014-01-31
Movie Boy Upside Down Mikael 2014-08-29
Movie The Swedish Moment Kari Lampikallio 2014-11-07
Movie Things We Do for Love Ismo 2013-02-01
Movie August Fools Jalkanen 2013-10-04
Movie Love and Other Troubles Ronald Reagan (voice) 2012-01-27
Series The Spiral Juha Virtanen 2012-11-02
Movie Purge Martin Truu 2012-09-07
Movie Home Sweet Home Jaatinen 2011-10-21
Movie Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale Aimo 2010-12-03
Movie Jäät Kai 2010-10-04
Movie Priest of Evil Kengu 2010-10-29
Movie Forbidden Fruit Suviseura saarnaaja 2009-02-13
Series Ihmebantu Various 2009-06-06
Movie Hellsinki Ukin mies 2009-01-09
Movie Last Cowboy Standing Ossi 2009-09-04
Series Parasta aikaa Roihu, liikunnansijainen 2009-12-26
Movie Backwood Philosopher Maisteri 'Putte' Kronberg 2009-12-25
Series Suojelijat Luumu 2008-03-04
Movie The Home of Dark Butterflies Harjula 2008-01-11
Movie The Flight Before Christmas Porolauman johtaja (voice) 2008-09-22
Movie Falling Angels Lauri 2008-12-05
Movie Man's Job Juha 2007-02-23
Movie V2: Dead Angel Tom Marjola 2007-01-12
Movie Ganes Otto Aaltonen 2007-09-28
Movie The Border Heikki Kiljunen 2007-11-30
Movie Unna and Nuuk Nuukin isä 2006-01-20
Movie Lights in the Dusk Lecturer 2006-02-03
Movie The Fakir Fakir's Father 2006-09-16
Movie The Prince of Soap Apulaisohjaaja 2006-02-10
Movie For the Living and the Dead Kai 2005-02-18
Movie The Official Rare Exports Inc. Safety Instructions 2005 Marker 2005-09-22
Movie Vares: Private Eye Uusniitty 2004-07-23
Movie Precious Brother Otto 2004-09-08
Movie Bad Boys: A True Story Mutka 2003-01-17
Movie Raid Russian Criminal 2003-01-31
Movie Rare Exports Inc. Marker 2003-06-19
Movie Rumble Mäkinen 2002-05-31
Movie Love Is a Treasure Nurse / Man 2002-02-28
Movie Blue Corner Kuulusteleva poliisi 2002-10-11
Movie The Classic liikunnan opettaja 2001-02-23
Movie On the Road to Emmaus Kuoppala 2001-10-05
Series Mennen tullen 'Rauski' Häkkinen / Herr Mehmet Faruk / Additional characters 2000-12-22
Movie Jerico 2000 1999-01-02
Movie Rikos & rakkaus Aarne Sirkiä 1999-02-05
Movie Poliisin poika Ollikainen 1998-11-01
Series Studio Julmahuvi Various Characters 1998-10-30
Movie White Marble Biljardia pelaava mies 1998-12-21
Movie I Hired Two Contract Cleaners Mies leipäjonossa 1997-11-24
Movie Johanneksen leipäpuu Vetelehtijä Hinkkanen 1994-05-02
Movie Kauhun millimetrit Mies kahvilassa 1992-03-06