Image of Ronald Zehrfeld

Ronald Zehrfeld

Sorry, couldn't find any biography for Ronald Zehrfeld. Read bio at tmdb | Read bio at Wikipedia
Jan 15, 1977
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the series Scene of the Crime 1970-11-29
Latest Project:
Movie The Door-to-Door Bookstore 2024-10-10
Known For
Poster of The Burglar
Poster of Sag mir nichts
Poster of Die Stunde des Wolfes
Poster of Der russische Geliebte
Movie The Door-to-Door Bookstore Schascha's father 2024-10-10
Movie Dying Sebastian Vogel 2024-04-25
Movie Two to One Volker 2024-07-25
Movie Ingeborg Bachmann – Journey into the Desert Max Frisch 2023-06-09
Movie Wow! Message from Space Alex 2023-12-14
Movie The Black Spider Hans von Stoffeln 2022-03-10
Movie Talking About the Weather Roland 2022-09-16
Movie Blame Game Martin Behrens 2019-01-14
Movie Sweethearts Frank Gatsky 2019-02-14
Series Walpurgisnacht Karl Albers 2019-02-18
Movie What Might Have Been Paul 2019-06-29
Series Bauhaus: A New Era Emil Friedrich 2019-09-05
Movie The Silent Revolution Hermann Lemke 2018-03-01
Movie Bist du glücklich? Marc 2018-10-01
Series Redemption Road Richard Kornitzer 2017-01-30
Movie Willkommen bei den Honeckers Kollege Trommler 2017-10-03
Series Babylon Berlin Walter Weintraub 2017-10-13
Movie Sag mir nichts Martin 2016-01-22
Movie The Pasta Detectives 3 Simon Westbühl 2016-04-28
Movie The Burglar Michael 2016-09-21
Movie Manhunt: Escape to the Carpathians Sven Schröder 2016-06-27
Series Line of Separation Konrad Werner 2015-01-04
Movie The Pasta Detectives 2 Simon Westbühl 2015-06-11
Movie The People vs. Fritz Bauer Karl Angermann 2015-09-13
Movie Inbetween Worlds Jesper 2014-02-11
Movie Lose My Self Roman 2014-01-24
Movie The Pasta Detectives Simon Westbühl 2014-07-10
Movie Phoenix Johnny Lenz 2014-09-25
Movie Beloved Sisters Wolzogen 2014-07-31
Movie The King's Surrender Kevin 2014-11-13
Movie Mord in Eberswalde Heinz Gödicke 2013-01-30
Movie Finsterworld Tom 2013-10-17
Movie Cracks in the Shell Joachim 2012-02-09
Movie Im Alleingang - Die Stunde der Krähen Matthias 2012-02-21
Movie Barbara André 2012-03-08
Movie Shores of Hope Matthias Schönherr 2012-07-03
Movie Die Stunde des Wolfes Tom Faller 2011-06-06
Movie The Invisible Girl Niklas Tanner 2011-10-29
Movie Die Grenze Robert Klaars 2010-03-15
Series In the Face of Crime Sven Lottner 2010-04-27
Series Weissensee Robert Wolff 2010-09-14
Movie Im Dschungel 2010-10-06
Movie 12 Paces without a Head Klaus Störtebeker 2009-12-10
Movie Der russische Geliebte Alexander 2008-11-10
Series The Wall - The Final Days Dirk Faber 2008-10-06
Movie In jeder Sekunde Ben 2008-12-11
Movie The Red Cockatoo Wolle 2006-02-16
Series Kommissarin Lucas Robert Jandt 2003-03-01
Movie Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder Schweizerkas 2003-07-03
Series Polizeiruf 110 Gerry Vogt 1971-06-27
Series Scene of the Crime Kalle Plöcker 1970-11-29