Image of Esaad Younes

Esaad Younes

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Apr 12, 1950 In Egypt
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie مسرحية أسعد سعيد في العالم
Latest Project:
Series Tita Zuzu 2024-09-21
Known For
Movie مسرحية عروسة تجنن Nadia 2026
Movie مسرحية أسعد سعيد في العالم 2026
Series Tita Zuzu زوزو 2024-09-21
Series Reasons for Travel 2024-05-15
Series interview ضيفة شرف 2024-09-11
Movie Azima's Gang عظيمة 2024-01-02
Movie Two For Rent 2023-01-25
Series Full Count حياة عبد الجواد 2023-03-23
Movie Fadel and Neama بنفسها 2022-10-05
Movie For Zeko بنفسها (رئيسة المسابقة) 2022-01-05
Series The Returnees 2022-04-02
Movie 200 pounds عزيزة السيد 2021-08-18
Series Her Excellency 2020-09-22
Series Lahfa Patient 2015-06-19
Series Her Excellency تقديم 2014-09-22
Series Without Mentioning Names 2013-07-10
Movie Alzheimer's مديرة دار المسنين 2010-10-09
Movie The Yacoubian Building Dawlat El Dessouki 2006-06-01
Movie Days of El Sadat Hemat 2001-06-26
Series Men of the World Come Together 2000-11-27
Movie Abo Dahab 1996-04-26
Movie إنذار بالقتل 1996-10-22
Series Falling in Sabe Well 1995-03-01
Movie Ballo Ballo كريمة 1995-01-01
Movie Love and Revenge... With a Meat Cleaver Fathiya 1992-04-20
Movie Leleit gawaz al shaghala 1990-03-09
Movie Al'astaa maharuws زينب 1990-05-14
Movie Alwad syd alnasab 1990-12-24
Movie Sahbk Men Bakhtk 1990-06-04
Movie Very naughty family 1989-03-06
Series الحب وسنينه 1989-08-08
Movie The Night of Bakiza and Zaghloul’s Arrest Zaghloul Al-Ashmawy 1988-05-16
Series Bakiza and Zaghloul زغلول 1987-01-07
Movie Ali Baba's Trial مديحة 1987-01-01
Movie Nas haysa wnas laysa 1986-01-01
Movie موعد مع الوزير 1986-07-06
Movie A Woman in Jail Dina / Hanfy 1986-05-05
Movie Juha Governs The City نجوى 1985-01-01
Movie Juha Governs the City 1985-01-01
Movie Fawazia The Bourgeoisie 1985-01-01
Movie Fatuat darab aleisal 1985-11-25
Movie Almagnoona سعاد, نادية, فردوس, نوال 1985-09-30
Movie Bitter honey of love 1985-03-04
Movie Maghawry in college Laila 1985-03-11
Movie والسيدة حرمه أطاليا أم عرفه / سوسن 1984-01-01
Movie A Boy Child, Amen Safaa 1984-03-19
Movie The Lucky safaa 1984-04-02
Movie All Is Well 1984-10-22
Movie Tabounet Hamza - طابونة حمزة Reda 1984-09-24
Movie Devilish Daughters 1984-06-30
Movie Forbidden Games 1984-05-28
Movie Ghurayb wld eajib 1983-03-07
Movie Luck Beach Hanaa 1983-07-10
Movie Al Avokato عصمت عبدالجواد 1983-11-01
Movie Why Is Masoud Happy 1983-07-11
Movie إضراب المجانين 1983-09-05
Movie The Begger 1983-11-07
Movie عروسة وجوز عرسان 1982-01-01
Movie The Lock 1982-08-29
Movie Five in Hell 1982-09-13
Movie Hassan Beh El Ghalban Aisha Salem 1982-09-06
Movie Mekhemar Is Always Ready 1982-03-01
Movie Mothers in Exile Hekmat 1981-10-26
Movie Min yajnn myn? 1981-04-13
Movie Shaaban Below Zero Zeinab 1980-09-19
Movie Troublemaker Samira 1980-07-19
Movie Crazy Bride 1980-01-01
Movie Esteqalet Alemet Zarra 1980-01-01
Movie Tears Without Sins سميحة 1980-05-04
Movie Desire Salwa 1980-04-07
Movie Afraid of Something Laila 1979-11-26
Movie الدخول بالملابس الرسمية 1979-10-12
Movie We Are the Bus People سونيا 1979-10-22
Movie Rendezvous with Soso 1977-01-01
Series Mizo's Story 1977-08-01
Series When The World Turns 1977-09-22
Series Hikayat Mizo 1977-08-01
Movie Prayer of the oppressed الدكتور زوجة مدحت 1977-09-12
Movie Star Maker 1977-11-14
Movie Wantaha Al-Hob 1975-10-07
Movie Me, My daughter and Love 1974-04-18
Movie An unfinished crime Huda 1972-01-01