Image of Vojislav Brajović

Vojislav Brajović

Vojislav "Voja" Brajović (born May 11, 1949 in Belgrade) is a prominent Serbian actor. He graduated from the Belgrade Faculty of Drama Arts in 1971. He has been member of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre since 1969. He has played in over 30 movies and a number of TV series and dramas. He won almost all relevant domestic theatre awards, including three Sterija awards for acting, an annual award of the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad, an annual award of CNP from Podgorica, eight annual awards of the Yugoslav Drama Theatre in Belgrade, etc. Of all of his roles arguably the best known is Tihi, wisecracking World War II resistance fighter whom he portrayed in cult 1970s TV series Otpisani and Povratak otpisanih.

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May 11, 1949 In Belgrade, Serbia
Movie/TV Credits:
First Appeared:
In the movie The Absurd Scam
Latest Project:
Series Svetozar Markovic 2026
Known For
Movie The Absurd Scam 2026
Series Svetozar Markovic Ivan Bočkjarev 2026
Movie Beautiful Evening, Beautiful Day Lovro's father 2024-09-09
Series The V Effect Miroslav Vidović 2024-02-10
Movie Death of the Little Match Girl Bobo 2023-07-19
Series Dream Team Trnavac 2021-01-02
Series Alexandar of Yugoslavia Miroslav Spalajković 2021-03-15
Series Game of Destiny Viktor Bruner 2020-01-24
Movie Out of the Woods Zoran Zarić 2017-01-01
Series Black Sun Advokat Taki Papahagi 2017-10-22
Movie Out of the Woods Zoran Zarić 2017-04-25
Movie You Carry Me Ivan 2015-05-25
Movie Serbia in the Great War Vojvoda Radomir Putnik 2014-12-15
Series Emergency Center Gvozden Cvijanović 2014-10-06
Movie Military Academy 2 Stošićev otac 2013-11-06
Series The Sindjelic Family Sreten 'Sreta' Sinđelić 2013-10-13
Movie How I Was Stolen by the Germans Lekar 2011-06-23
Movie Ginger: More Than a Game Josip Broz 'Tito' 2011-08-09
Movie Look at Me Marko Šćepanović 2008-01-01
Movie The Kingdom of Serbia 2008-02-15
Movie The Tour Ljubić 2008-08-30
Movie It Will Not End Stevan 2008-05-27
Series Goose Feather Savin otac 2007-01-24
Movie Black Gruja and the Stone of Wisdom 2007-01-31
Movie Black Horses Savin otac 2007-04-05
Movie Ivko's Feast Kralj Milan Obrenović 2005-11-03
Movie Gee, Bro! Deda mraz 2005-12-08
Movie Goose Feather Savin otac 2004-10-14
Movie Scaffold Jezikoslovac 2004-02-15
Movie Poor Little Hampsters Profesor / Novi načelnik 2003-08-26
Movie Kir Janja Kir Janja 1998-02-04
Movie Thief's Comeback 1998-08-09
Movie Cabaret Balkan Topi 1998-08-01
Movie Tango Is a Sad Thought to Be Danced 1997-07-09
Movie The Tragic Burlesque Doktor 1995-05-10
Movie Tito and Me Josip Broz Tito 1992-03-02
Movie A Little Joke Mićko 1992-11-23
Movie Tight Skin 4 Džordž 1991-11-28
Movie Sunday 9 to 5 Marko, Mikijev drug 1989-02-16
Movie The Cabinet Minister's Wife Ninković 1989-01-01
Movie Battle of Kosovo Vuk Branković 1989-06-12
Movie Migrations II Volkov 1989-11-26
Series Balkan Express 2 Gestapo Maj. Langer 1989-10-15
Movie Balkan Express 2 Langer 1988-01-01
Movie Tight Skin 3 Džordž 1988-08-08
Movie Maternal Half-Brothers Inspektor 1988-09-10
Movie The Sudden and Premature Death of Colonel K.K. Kapetan 1987-01-01
Movie Ever-Ready Women Vaske 1987-01-01
Movie Tight Skin 2 Džordž 1987-11-02
Movie Stories from the End of the Corridor Aca, Ramilin muž 1986-01-01
Movie Taiwan Canasta Dragoš 1985-03-30
Movie Watch Your Step Direktor škole 1984-01-10
Movie The Ambassador Mark 1984-07-10
Movie Jaguar Jump Mačak 1984-06-28
Movie Hallo, Taxi Bizmark 1983-01-01
Movie My Part-Time Dad Vođa puta 1982-01-01
Series Stories from the Workshop Prevarant 1982-01-06
Movie July 13th Tomo 1982-01-01
Movie Plum Juice Todor 1981-01-01
Movie Sixth Gear Prevarant, vozač Renaulta 5 1981-07-03
Series Hot Wind Voja Brajović 1980-01-17
Movie Happy Family Tata 1980-02-27
Movie The Theatre Connection Dragan Stojanović 'Laki' 1980-05-03
Movie The Pals Novi profesor književnosti 1979-01-01
Movie National Class Category Up to 785ccm Papi 1979-01-09
Movie All Wonders of the World Narrator (voice) 1978-10-07
Series Return of the Written Off Tihi 1978-01-01
Movie Special Education Vojislav Brajović 1977-04-28
Series Porobdžije Pero 1977-02-27
Movie Koshtana Hadži-Tomin sin Stojan 1976-01-01
Movie Soldier's Love Stanko Jovanović 1976-01-01
Movie More Than a Game Becić 1976-03-20
Movie Maria Mile 1976-06-02
Movie The Written Off Return Tihi 1976-12-14
Movie Pavle Pavlovic Student sa bradom 1975-07-14
Series More Than a Game Becić 1974-04-17
Series The Written Off Tihi 1974-12-22
Movie The Last Ones 1973-04-28
Movie Professor Kosta Vujic's Hat Mihajlo Petrović 1972-02-24
Movie The Apology of Socrates and Death Zakon 1971-02-24